mercredi 1 juin 2016

Child Care: My Girlfirend's Ex Has a New New Girlfriend and Keeps Posting Pics of My Gf's Child

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: WV

Long story short. I am trying to help my gf out with a situation. Her ex has a gf who keeps posting pics of my gf's child and stating that she is the mother or mother figure for the child but she hasn't been around long at all. She also keeps referring to her as her "family" but the ex and the new gf are not even married. She has also put post up saying that my gf is not a good mother and things of that nature. Is there a way to keep her from being able to make post concerning my gf's child at all? I know in some states you can file a modification to a divorce decree to have the verbiage put in stating that no one can make posts in reference to the child unless both parents consent. Are we on the right track here or what options do we have to keep from posting in reference to the child at all and also keep her degrading comments to herself?

Child Care: My Girlfirend's Ex Has a New New Girlfriend and Keeps Posting Pics of My Gf's Child

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