My question involves a driver's license issued by the State of: Texas. My drivers license was suspended indefinitely due to an accident I had in 2012. I had let my insurance laps at the time, of the accident so I was not covered. I paid all my tickets right away and waited to hear from TDPS about a surcharge but never heard back from them. About 3 months later I received notice from the other party's insurance that they would be suing me for damages. I knew I would be liable and I accepted that. But I had never been in a accident before this so I didn't know what to do. I got some really bad advice from my dad ,he said I didn't have to show up for the court date, that they would just put a judgment against me and I'd have to pay that before I could ever sell anything I own ( which was nothing but a car my mom bought for me 6mo after the wreck. It was paid off and in my name). So I didn't show up for the court date and the judgment was placed against me in full + intrest. I did not have the money to pay the judgment or make the payments that they required. So a year later I got notice that the TDPS was suspending my license indefinitely until judgment was paid in full. Its now been almost 4 years since I've lost my license and I still do not have the money to pay my judgment off. I'm desperate to see how I can get this judgment off my back. Would I be eligible to file for some kind of bankruptcy to resolve this matter and gain my license back? I'm a single mom and I have struggled to get around and get my kids around. I just want this nightmare to be over I've definitely learned my lesson the hard way and will never again make this awful mistake again. Any help or advise would be so greatly appreciated.
Suspension and Revocation: My License Has Been Suspended Indefinitely
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