dimanche 30 juin 2019

Title Ownership: Can't Get Title for Vehicle Purchase

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: Washington

In February we purchased a used vehicle from a dealer in Oregon-we are financing through our own credit union. We received all of the paperwork, went to the DOL and got the new license plates and tabs. In April we received a letter from the DOL saying that the odometer disclosure received was not correct and they needed one from the person that traded in the vehicle to the dealer, along with a power of attorney from that person to the dealer. Without this we could not get the title.

I contacted the dealer and they said they would take care of it. Every time I emailed them they said they were having a difficult time getting in touch with the previous owner. I finally filed a complaint with Oregon attorney general. A week later I got an email from the dealer general manager saying this was the first he had heard of it, he had contacted the previous owner and would get it taken care of. That was about 3 weeks ago.

Yesterday I received a letter from our credit union saying that they needed the vehicle title within 10 days or they would take further action. I am assuming they could call the loan.

Not sure what to do at this point. Any advice would be appreciated.

Title Ownership: Can't Get Title for Vehicle Purchase

How to Outrun the Cops

(Jeremy Clarkson voice) So this morning I went on the internet and I found this:

How to Outrun the Cops

Termination: Is It Legal to Terminate an Access Easement to a Landlocked Property

My question involves real estate located in the State of: North Carolina

There's a landlocked property on my street that had an ingress & egress easement for over 30 years (since it was subdivided). 30+ years later, the property in front through which the easement passed was sold to a new owner. She somehow convinced the landlocked property owner to convey the easement back to her when she purchased. So even though her deed at property purchase lists the easement in it, the next day a separate deed was recorded with the landlocked property owner, in which the landlocked property (grantor) granted the easement to her (grantee) in fee simple.

IF that's a valid deed, then the landlocked property no longer had an easement and for the next 15+ years was traversing through the lady's property by handshake agreement.

Is this valid/legal? It makes no sense that most banks wouldn't let you purchase a landlocked property without an easement but if you can manipulate the owner into giving up their rights, anything goes and an attorney can do that? That totally screws the next owner, assuming the property can even be successfully sold.

Termination: Is It Legal to Terminate an Access Easement to a Landlocked Property

Please help in Proving This Bracelet Is Mine

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Virgina. I had a "friend" who stole my bracelet. I realized it was gone a couple days later (stolen from my bathroom counter) I had no proof at the time it was her that stole it, so i continued to search my home. Recently i seen her post my bracelet to an online yars sale site. I immediately screen shoted everything, took my recipets of purchase, and her posts and made a police report. We have a court date but now they are saying that i have to prove even more ownership since there could have been duplicates made of the same exact bracelet! (Impossible)She still has my bracelet how can i possibly retrieve my stolen merchandise and make these charges stick. Fyi she has charges a mile long for theft. I know the maker marks on the jewelry. But the officer said those would be standard for the braceletes. Im lost on how to prove that exact bracelet is mine. I cant see where there is any other markings on it.

Please help in Proving This Bracelet Is Mine

samedi 29 juin 2019

Trust Administration: Can Trustee Quitclaim Property Directly to Beneficiary's Trust

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: CA

I am the trustee of my father's living trust. There are two properties in my father's trust; I am the beneficiary of one and my brother is the beneficiary of the other. My brother and I each have our own living trusts, and we would both like for the property that we inherit to be put into our living trusts. Can I save us each a step and simply quitclaim the properties from my father's trust directly into our living trusts? My father's trust does not list our trusts as beneficiaries, just us as individuals.

Trust Administration: Can Trustee Quitclaim Property Directly to Beneficiary's Trust

Divorce: Florida Divorce Filed in 1997 W/ Active Status – Petitioner Relocated to Ma

In 1997 I filled for Dissolution of Marriage in the state of Florida, though for a number of reasons I never followed through. My spouse and I have an adult son, (24 yrs. old) and are on good terms, though she lives in FL but in a different county than where I originally filed. I have worked and lived in Massachusetts since 2017. There is no dispute over property or money so this should be simple in that respect.

I am able to pull my case up online and with regards to the status I’m confused, as it says the following, “Case Status: Disposed”, though below that, under Parties, it says “Status: Active”. Below that, under the Disposition section, it states the Statistical Closure as “Dismissed, Settled or Disposed After Hearing” and “Final Order of Dismissal, Comment (Final Order Of Dismissal Fld & Rec W/out Prej (Moc))”.

My question is, is it necessary to revisit the divorce process from the same/original location in Florida-especially considering my spouse lives in a different county, (she’s lived there 3 years) or would it be possible for me to file from here in Massachusetts since I meet their residency requirement?
Additionally, would I need to start from the beginning and file a new petition?

Divorce: Florida Divorce Filed in 1997 W/ Active Status – Petitioner Relocated to Ma

vendredi 28 juin 2019

Informal Discovery

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California

I am contesting a carpool violation citation. I submitted an informal request for discovery with the CHP and then filed my proof of service with the court.

My question is 2 part:
1. if CHP responds to my discovery request is CHP also required to file a proof of service with the court to prove they they responded to my informal discovery request? Or are they not required to file a proof of service at all? How do they prove they responsed to my request?

2. If they are required to file a proof of service but they fail to do so (no record found in the online case report, can I ask the court to dismiss my case by arguing that I did not receive response to my request since there is no proof that I received discovery?

Thank you!

Informal Discovery

Items Held in Storage

My question involves personal property located in the State of: Colorado. My son left his girlfriend and moved back home to California leaving most of his belongs in Colorado. After a week or so his girlfriend said she was putting all his things in storage and sending him the key. A week later with her encouragement committed suicide. We have contacted her and through someone else stated she had nothing of his. Then a month ago a storage unit called stating the unit would be going up for auction if not paid. She had listed my name, his name as contacts but none of the numbers given to contact her were in service and the bank card number she gave was closed. Since she is listed as the renter how do we get my son's things back?

Items Held in Storage

Loan Agreements: Private Party Loan with Collateral

My question involves collection proceedings in the State of: Texas

I'm not sure if I selected the right category and I'm sorry if I didn't.

My husband and I signed a contract with a friend of ours who loaned us the money to buy a car and to buy a few other things that we needed to make a living. We put up two cars and my husband's tools.

We have been paying on the note for 2 years. The note says that we will pay interest and it includes an amortization sheet. A few months ago our friend passed away and his (we call her "wife" but they were not married) is now handling the note. The loan was for 3 years. My question is this, if for some reason we cannot continue to make the payment, will we have to forfeit all the collateral? The note is more than half paid. In my thinking, if we just gave the "estate" one of the vehicles which is valued at more than the total balance we should be even.

Am I thinking incorrectly? I would not think it's fair if we had to give up all of the security since the value of both cars and the other things are valued at far more than the note ever was to begin with.

Also, the new person handling the note claims that we have to pay a per diem of interest instead of monthly and that we owe more interest. The contract does not state a per diem interest rate and there is no late payment penalties.

I'd just like to know where I stand with the law on this so that I am prepared when she comes to create issues.

Thank you for any help you can give me

Loan Agreements: Private Party Loan with Collateral

Building Permits: Puc Encroachment Issue

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: California

We have a large (over 120 square feet) sitting partially within the PUC easement at the back of our property. It has been in the same spot for at least 25 years or more. It is impossible to move due to mature trees that have grown around it and we do not wish to simply tear it down.

Is it possible to get a waiver or something from the PUC so that we can go forward with a building permit that has the shed location as an encroachment condition and get the condition lifted?


Building Permits: Puc Encroachment Issue

Retailers: Buying Small Amounts of Gasoline

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: New York

I've been buying gas for my lawnmower for years at the convenience store at the end of the street. I take an Arizona iced tea jug (heavy polypropylene plastic) over and squirt 50¢ of gas into it. Today when I started to fill the jug, the clerk came running out and tried to stop me. He said that he couldn't sell me gas because I did not have a regulation gas container. However it didn't stop me - I had already paid for it. Is this some new regulation? Fifty cents of gas would get lost in a big container.

Retailers: Buying Small Amounts of Gasoline

Land Contracts: Buying Land with Perpetuities

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Kentucky & Indiana

I recently passed an old farmhouse and field that was neglected but quite obviously the last farm left in a developed subdivision and it got me thinking about perpetuities. (I'm not a lawyer, but have had a few law classes, so correct me on any of this I get wrong, but this is my understanding of it.) In short, what I remember is that you can establish perpetuities in your will so long as they don't violate the RAP. Perpetuities are restrictions for land use written into a will, that if violated, affect property ownership. I remember an example in a book of a farmer willing his farm to his son, provided that he maintain it as a dairy farm. Perpetuities have a time limit, which at least used to be based off of a relevant person's lifespan - but I think it is 90 years now(?). So, theoretically there are properties out there with perpetuity rules extending up to 90 years from now.

(I used to go to school next to a subdivision with a tree in the middle of a road because the farmer who owned the land had included a perpetuity in his will that a specific tree never be cut down; his son sold the property to a developer who specifically paved around the tree.)

Because of the inherent restrictions, I assume that perpetuities decrease land value - but they would not be problematic for a person who was willing to work with the restrictions. Specifically, I am looking for a little farm in the Louisville area (a place where most of the farms have been developed already), but I am wondering if there are still farms preserved by those perpetuities. How do you find properties with perpetuities, if you are looking for sort of a niche? Is there even any point in looking? Finally, I know that there is a city land trust that holds a few farms with perpetuities (or at least, that it what it sounds like from the wording on their website). What does it mean for a land trust to own (but not necessarily take care of) land that "must be farmland" or "must be preserved as a watershed"? Is that generally land that you can buy?

Thanks! :D
Dr. D

Land Contracts: Buying Land with Perpetuities

Speeding . Somehow

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Virginia

I was driving south on the Chesapeake expressway and when I got close to the Hanbury exit I saw a cop on a motorcycle put his light one and came in the far left where I was at I was going the speed limit so I was not worried so I pulled over. He came over and said he clocked me going 71 in a 55 on mile 12 which was 2 miles back so I asked him how was he able to clock me from 2 miles away and he just argued with me. By mile12 there were no cops 2 miles later I see him on his bike on the side of the road so how did he see me on mike 12? He said I used my laser so I took the ticket and left does anyone think I can win if I fight this?

Speeding . Somehow

jeudi 27 juin 2019

Retail Fraud / Shoplifting: Copy of Safeway's Loss Prevention Policy

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Washington
Someone I know was caught shoplifting at Safeway. He was physically manhandled and is in jail for assault for protecting himself. I need a printable copy of safeways loss prevention policy to help him. Please help??

Retail Fraud / Shoplifting: Copy of Safeway's Loss Prevention Policy

Liens and Encumbrances: Delinquent Property Tax and Ownership Confusion

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Hawaii

I have been made the beneficiary and trustee of an acre of land on the Big Island of Hawaii. This acre was left to me by my grandfather. We have lived here on this property for over 35 years. The acre of property we live on is not owned exclusively by my grandfather but by 3 other family members as well, each owning a quarter share. This parcel of land was originally bought and owned by my grandfather's father. He left a quarter share each to his daughter, her two children, and my grandfather. My grandfather and his sister have since passed leaving his share in a trust to me, and his sister's share with her children. I have moved my family back onto the property to take care of my grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer's Disease. She is in the late stages of this illness. Since she is not competent, I am responsible for her and all the decision making. This home has not had any repairs made to it since the '70s and it is falling apart!! Ever since moving onto this property 35+ years ago, the other family members have shown no interest in this property, and according to my grandfather, they have not paid land taxes at all. All payments have been made by my grandfather and he has made sure that all payments made at the land tax office reflected that HE was the one making payments. (payments filed under his name and number) Upon his passing, I am noticing that our land tax payments are in arrears. We have a balance due of about $15,000. This includes the last installment for 2016 and all of 2017 and 2018. (including penalties and interest) Our law here in Hawaii says that if you fall behind more than 2 years on your land tax payments then they can foreclose on your property.

I recently got a tax sale jeopardy letter in the mail asking for $8,900.00 by the 30th of June to be taken off the list. I need some advice as to what I can do? I do not have very good credit and I'm not sure if banks will work with me being that there are other parties/owners listed on the deed. Should I start with getting the property out of trust and into my name? Can I hold the other parties on the deed accountable for past land tax payments? Should I see a lawyer? I haven't spoken with the other family members in years. The last time words were exchanged they were not nice. How can I get some equity out of this property being that it is paid off in full and worth approx. $700,000. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Liens and Encumbrances: Delinquent Property Tax and Ownership Confusion

Filing a Pro Se Request for Enlargement of Time to Answer

My question involves court procedures for the state of Florida & filing a Request for Englargement regarding answering a civil suit

A civil case was filed vs me in FL & I need more time find a lawyer. I've also been tending to a very sick dog & a recurrence of migraines has limited me the last few weeks so I got off to a late start regarding seeking council. I couldn't find a template on any of the county websites nor from the law library but I found something online thats simple & to the point. Is there anything missing from this template which should be included? What are the 2 lines for at the bottom after my signature?

____________________ COUNTY, OHIO

* CASE NO: ______________________
_______________________________ *
Plaintiff, * JUDGE: ________________________
-vs- *
_________________________________ *
Defendant(s), Pro Se. *

Defendant(s), ____________________________________________, pro se, respectfully request(s) an order granting defendant(s), pro se, an additional 30 days in which to move, plead or otherwise respond to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. I (we) am (are) looking for an attorney who can assist in this case.

Opposing Counsel has been properly notified of this request.

Respectfully submitted,
________________________, pro se
Defendant, pro se


This is to certify that a copy of this request for an extension of time to answer has been sent by ordinary United States Mail this ________ day of ______________________ 201___ to:

(Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney)

Defendant, Pro Se (Signature)


________________________, pro se Defendant, pro se

***A lawyer mentioned to include this line, "this motion is made for proper purposes and not for delay, no party will be prejudiced in granting this motion".

Is that needed? Also, is it okay to mention my sick pet & the headaches I've been suffering or is that info too private?

Filing a Pro Se Request for Enlargement of Time to Answer

Execution of Deed: Posting Abandonment

Execution of Deed: Posting Abandonment

mercredi 26 juin 2019

Motions: Every Motion Must Have a Statement That Movant Has Conferred with Opposing Counsel

My question involves court procedures for the state of: Texas, Federal Court

Every motion must have a statement that the movant has conferred with opposing counsel?

FRCP Rule 7 did not mention this? Our local LR7.1 D has statements:

Except for motions under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b), (c),
(e), or (f) and 56, contain an averment that
(1) The movant has conferred with the respondent and
(2) Counsel cannot agree about the disposition of the motion

Based on LR7.1 D, Whenever I file a motion, I need to confer with Defendant? When Defendant file a motion, it does not include this statement. Of many motions filed, Defendant only confer with me once about the motion it going to file.

Motions: Every Motion Must Have a Statement That Movant Has Conferred with Opposing Counsel

Transferring Title: My Ex Won't Sign the Title Over to Me

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: North Carolina

My ex husband and I divorced just about a year ago and it was just a simple divorce. We each kept our cars but this wasn't included in the divorce paperwork (now I realize that wasn't too smart ~ I just wanted the divorce finalized). My bank has successfully removed him as a co-signer but according to the bank and the State of North Carolina, they need a notarized POA document from my ex to remove him from my title and registration. He refuses to sign this. Am I just stuck now if I end up wanting to sell my car? I'm not sure what else to do here.

Transferring Title: My Ex Won't Sign the Title Over to Me

Wills: Should I Give a Copy of My Will to My Executor

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: New York

I had a revised will drawn up. I asked the attorney if I should give a copy to my executor. I was told not to give him a copy and to put the one I had in a safe place and let the executor know where it was. It seems to me that the executor should get a copy.

Wills: Should I Give a Copy of My Will to My Executor

Obtaining Remodeling Permit on the Second Home by Homeowner

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Massachusetts

I would like to do some interior renovations to a recently purchased house. The house is not my primary residence, but I intend to move into it and make it my primary residence after renovations are completed. Am I allowed to obtain a remodeling permit as a homeowner or am I required to hire a builder with CSL (construction supervisor license) to obtain a permit for me?


Obtaining Remodeling Permit on the Second Home by Homeowner

Does the Phrase “right for Life to Live in a Residence.” Constitute a Life Estate

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: Washington
My dad‘s will states that his spouse “has the right for life to live in any residence which they currently reside in is long as she maintains the property and pays the taxes and insurance” . This is a simple will that never uses the term life estate and only uses that one sentence to describe his intention regarding her right to continue to live in the residence .

This is a residence that has been in his family for several generations and following his death his spouse did not pay the property tax and it is accruing interest and penalties .
My question is : Is this a life estate or something else ?

If it is a life estate did his spouse forgo her interest in it by moving out and saying that I should pay the property taxes ?

Does the Phrase “right for Life to Live in a Residence.” Constitute a Life Estate

Business Issues: Legality of an Online Gambling Website

My question involves business law in the state of: FL

Is it legal to run a gambling website in the state of Florida that would cater to US residents?
If not, is there any other state where it is legal to run a website that caters to all US residents?
If not, is it legal to run a gambling website where there is no money being exchanged?

Thank you

Business Issues: Legality of an Online Gambling Website

Registering a Vehicle: Cost 4000$ to Register My Car Please Help

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: So bought My car around 2 years ago in Alabama I live in California.. they told me they were going to give me the plates and include the sales tax when I purchased my vehicle.. but as I call them asking what’s going on they tell me that they no longer are gonna help me now I owe all these penalites to the DMV and I don’t know what to do.. the dmv didn’t send me a letter to go register my car or even a letter that I have penalites.. I feel really attacked if their is a good soul somewhere that can help me it would be greatly appreciated... thank you so much

Registering a Vehicle: Cost 4000$ to Register My Car Please Help

mardi 25 juin 2019

Consumer Law Issues: Asus Customer Service

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: ca

I contacted Asus because my motherboard died in my laptop after 1 year and some months. They wouldn’t connect me to the parts dept and said this is internal issue that only they can solve and I have to send them the laptop and pay a diagnostic fee. Then after paying the diagnostic fee for one of their technicians to diagnose the problem (dead motherboard) they can give me an estimate. I know the what the problem is, because I took it to a local shop to get it diagnosed and they stated that I need a new motherboard. Can Asus legally prevent me from contacting their parts dept to procure the part myself?

Consumer Law Issues: Asus Customer Service

Division of Assets: Immigrant Wife Left Country

My question involves a marriage in the state of: NY

My wife snuck a flight out of NY back to her home country without advance parole, so she’s abandoned her green card application. I sent an I-864 withdrawal letter to cover all bases per advice. Someone suggested I investigate whether the possibility that she stays out of the country for a long time means my marital assets have the option of greater protection than through a no fault divorce. Obviously when I proceed with divorce I’ll be getting an attorney but just thought I’d get a head start on my research. Thanks.

Division of Assets: Immigrant Wife Left Country

Marriage: I-130 Approved but I-485 Denied

Hello all,

Thank you all for your time in reading this. I will try to be as descriptive as possible.

This case is about my i-130 marriage petition for my wife.
And it is also about her i-485 to adjust her status.

My wife arrived into the country in Jan 2018. At the time she was my friend, who we have been chatting for a long long time since youth. She was approved to enter the states through a visa from the Dominican Republic. She entered the country because the father of her daughter was approved for his visa, based on a "Union Libre". After he applied and was approved for his visa, she applied and was approved for the visa.

After she arrived into the country, I met her at her hotel in NY. She was paying a lot of money to stay there, so I asked her to stay with me. Needless to say, we hit it off very well and when it was her time to go back, I asked her to stay with the counsel of a free attorney. They said to file for both i-130 marriage-based petition, and i-485. We had to get married, which was good since this was something we wanted to do for a while (getting married).

After we filed in June 2018, we received the interview on May 2019. We went to the interview and thought all would have been well. But the interviewer was asking questions we didnt expect. The questions were about her previous boyfriend, about their relationship, and about how she entered the country. They stated that the employer that she stated she worked for, no longer exists (or never existed.), that the father of her daughter said they never been together for many years, and that the father of her daughter and her never lived together while the application was in process. She denied all of those allegations, stating what she submitted was true, but he (the interviewer) insisted that she lied.

He ended the interview stating that the i-130 petition is approved because it is obvious our marriage is legitimate (My wife and I have a daughter in which she gave birth in March 2019), but the i-485 will be denied based on what he determined was an illegal entry into the country. I asked him if she would need to leave, but he stated that she does not need to leave because the i-130 is approved. But he will send a letter stating that the i-485 was not approved.

This interview was in May 2019. It is now June 2019 and we still do not have the letter.

My question is,

Will she need to leave in order to fix her entry issue?
Can she travel and return back into the states?
What would I need to do to adjust her status?
How long does it usually take for the letter to arrive to tell us what we need to know?
Can she work?
Can I fight the i-485 decision?
Should we worry?

On a side note:
I filed a petition for her daughter, my (step daughter,) and was approved instantly. I was able to bring her into the states after my interview, legally, and she now currently resides with us (My wife, our daughter, and myself.) We are a big happy 4 person family, with the chance of having number 5 (another child, but not yet until we figure this whole thing out.)

She filed a i-485 package. She was approved for advanced parole, received a card, received a social security number. Will she need to reapply for this package?

I am also a US citizen, born and raised.

Thank you for your time
-signed a worried husband.

Marriage: I-130 Approved but I-485 Denied

Hourly Employee Work Phone Laws

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: ohio. Hi, i am a production supervisor for a company in Ohio, I have been given a work phone and told I need to take it home with me. I am hourly not salary can they require me to take .y work phone home? am I supposed to be paid for any work related calls or emails after I clock out? thank you

Hourly Employee Work Phone Laws

Harassment: Statute of Limitations for Harassment Apply Only to Incident or Co. Reaction

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: California

I work with a shit-bag who has been accused by several women of sexual harassment (he was their direct supervisor) over the course of several years and different work-places within our company. Lots of ladies chimed in "me too" about this guy.

My company did an "investigation" where they interviewed everybody. They emailed two of the ladies saying "we investigated and found your claims to be true"... thanking them for coming forward and saying they'll change their policies as a result etc.

They end up not firing the guy :wallbang: which is difficult to believe. Can these ladies sue the company even if some of the incidents were more than a year ago?

Can they sue over the company's reaction? This scum-bag still lurks around and makes ladies feel uncomfortable. I personally was able to work with him while I knew he was a narcissist, liar, cheater, and fake but now that I know this other stuff (and some of these ladies are my staff and good friends of mine) I've really lost respect for the company higher-ups.

Anyway, trying to give these ladies a little help.


Also, when one of the ladies first came forward, they told her if she wanted to file a claim she would have to sit in an office with him and have a conversation with him about how his behavior was inappropriate.

I thought this was really messed up. It was not the first time she had complained about him either.

Is this the norm?

Harassment: Statute of Limitations for Harassment Apply Only to Incident or Co. Reaction

lundi 24 juin 2019

Civil Rights Issues: Is There Any Law or Legislation to Protect Civil Rights of Litigant Pro Se

My question involves civil rights in the State of: TX, Federal

Is there any law/rule protect rights of litigant(Plaintiff/Defendant) pro se? How to prevent judge and court discrimination against Pro se when appeal to higher court is not working, including supreme court.

Civil Rights Issues: Is There Any Law or Legislation to Protect Civil Rights of Litigant Pro Se

Pets and Animals: Animal Death

My question involves personal property located in the State of: Indiana

I am posting this for a friend. Owner had 13 year old ill dog. She was treating it at the vets office. One day, her landlord allowed the county Animal Control officer to enter the rental property unbeknownst to the tenant and without any notice. Tenant had permission to have dog from landlord. ACO took the dog, took it out to local compost area and shot the animal and left it there. Dog was not aggressive and was ill. It had caused no damage, or any issues with it. The ACO admitted to the owner that he had done this. This was just done out of the blue because someone said the dog was sick.

What can the dog owner do? She has contacted the local sheriff and they want nothing to do with the situation. The ACO works for the County Commissioners and not the Sheriff's Dept. This has been a pattern of this ACO and the last time the Commissioners did nothing.

Pets and Animals: Animal Death

Seat Belt Violations: Fine Broward County,florida

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Florida

The officer indicated on the citation that this did not require a court appearance
and he did not indicate a fine but left that section blank. Is there a fine and
what is it in Broward County Florida?

Seat Belt Violations: Fine Broward County,florida

Motions: Hard Question: Can You Appeal a Sister-State Judgment

My question involves court procedures for the state of: CALIFORNIA

Hey Gang,

Quick, but hard question for you:

My client got a judgment against her in Louisiana and the corporation now has filed a sister-state judgment in California.

I'm filing a Motion to Vacate the judgment.

If I should lose this judgment, can I appeal? And will this buy more time before they seize her bank account, etc?

Many thanks for your help and I promise to PAY IT FORWARD!

Motions: Hard Question: Can You Appeal a Sister-State Judgment

Repossession: Informaly Sold My Rv to a Friend Who Won't Pay

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Colorado
I sold my RV to a friend. We agreed on a price of $8900 to be payed in weekly instalments of $100. He has had the rv for 17 months and payed $4600 I have not received any money since April. I gave him a receipt every time he gave me any money. Can I throw him out and take it back. He is living in it.
Thanks fredcapra

Repossession: Informaly Sold My Rv to a Friend Who Won't Pay

Selling Co-Owned Property

My question involves real estate located in the State of: NY. What are the best options in selling a co-owned property when the other party refuses to sell?

Selling Co-Owned Property

dimanche 23 juin 2019

Legal Permanent Residency: Countries Offer Dual Citizenship

Can anyone tell me which countries offer dual Citizenship? Thank you in Advance

Legal Permanent Residency: Countries Offer Dual Citizenship

Heirs and Beneficiaries: Challenges Dealing with Multiple Groups of Heirs

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: Alabama. My brother passed away in May and his wife had died 8 years earlier. Total value of the estate is approximately 4 million with very little cash. Assets are real estate, antiques, jewelry, vehicles and artwork. I am just getting a handle on the assets and debts but can tell that the there will be challenges. His furniture was left to 4 stepchildren. The artwork was left to 2 nieces. The jewelry to his sister, the vehicles to me and the remainder to be split between my sister and I. We are his only siblings, our parents are dead and he had no children of his own.

The 4 stepchildren do not get along with each other or with my sister and I. The furniture and artwork is located in 3 properties. My initial thought was to recommend that the 4 stepchildren take turns selecting what they want and then have an estate sale along with items not specifically covered in a bequest. I'm trying to keep things cordial and thought that this would be the easiest way to dispose of the contents of 3 homes. The return on furniture would then be split between the stepchildren. A similar process would be used for the artwork and the nieces. Anything else sold would be split between my sister and I. My wife suggested that I just give them X number of days to remove the furniture but I feel like that would not be proper. At the time of his death, my brother was not on speaking terms with 2 of them because he had stopped helping them financially (they are all over 55). These two have threatened to take us to court because they feel like they are entitled to everything.

Enough background. What is the best way to deal with the furniture and artwork?

Heirs and Beneficiaries: Challenges Dealing with Multiple Groups of Heirs

Background Checks: Advise on How to Answer Background Check Question

I have a question about how one should answer the criminal history question on a job application after criminal history has been updated.

When I applied for the job, I had to answer yes to the felony question. It was for theft and did one year deferred adjudication. In the box below it ask for a simple explanation so gave an explanation of what happened. The offense was at least 4 years old at the time and didn't seem to be a problem since I was hired. I have no other criminal charges other than this one. I stayed at that job for about 7 years and then resigned because I moved to a different city.

Now I have moved back and am going to apply with the same company. Recently my lawyer said I could update my criminal history so that it looks/sounds much better on a background check. He said that instead of giving an explanation of what happened, I can simply state what the update says which is something like "Arrested at such&such date, No conviction. plead not guilty, case dismissed.

I am sure my former employer has my explanation from the first application.

Is it a good idea to answer the question with the updated criminal history like my lawyer stated?

Background Checks: Advise on How to Answer Background Check Question

Mediation and Arbitration: How Can I Get a Change to City of Toledo, Ohio 1982 (Ord 159-80) Street Resurfacing

My question involves court procedures for the state of: Ohio, City of Toledo

Mediation and Arbitration: How Can I Get a Change to City of Toledo, Ohio 1982 (Ord 159-80) Street Resurfacing

samedi 22 juin 2019

Seller Disclosure: No Appraisal = Fraud

My question involves real estate located in the State of: California.
I sold vacant land 4 years ago. Rough numbers, 1,000,000 = 800,000 cash / 200,000 note to me due a year ago.
I agreed to extend the note 6 months. Still not paid. He has hit hard times and I have started foreclosure. He has a bankruptcy attorney trying to settle all his (many) issues and trying to get me to accept less. Calling it fraud.
Buyer is claiming that he overpaid and now has a current appraisal for $800,000 and he is calling it fraud on the part of the agent and me for not providing an appraisal at sale. He never asked for one.
I had owned the land for 20 years and never had an appraisal done.
(I'll note the irony that he now has it for sale for $1,000,000 in spite of now actually having an appraisal of $800,000.)
I can't imagine that there is an obligation to provide an appraisal in a sale or that he has any grounds to re-negotiate the terms of a sale after 4 years. FRAUD?
I did him a favor by extending 6 months and don't plan on discounting what he owes at all.
Any comments appreciated.

Seller Disclosure: No Appraisal = Fraud

Stop Payment Made in Tx

My question involves business law in the state of: Texas

I had a check issued to me by a consumer to which we did home repairs and painting. I received payment of $3,315 to which I paid sub contractor and purchased supplies for. The home owner, after a day or two found some things that she was not satisfied with, paid me on a Friday so I deposited on Monday, and she put a stop payment on the check.

I paid my sub contractor $1800 and i spent $500 in supplies plus all the work I did. Stopped payment on that size of check caused me to go negative on my account and I bounced several checks because of it.

I went and met up with homeowner and she said that that was the only leverage she had for me to come back and fix the issues she had with the house, which I had already agreed to come to resolve. I have never had any issued like this before so I do not know what recourse to take. SHe has yet to make good on the payment even though I have already fixed the issues she “claims” were the reason she stopped the payment.

How much is she legally responsible for? Can I add a charge for all the problems this caused me? Bank fees and such.

Stop Payment Made in Tx

Repossession: Unlawful Repossession

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Florida

Before I continue, Please, no "just pay the lien" comments. Working with lienholder on coming to an arrangement.

That being said, My work vehicle we got a Title Loan on. (Bad Choice). We had to make rent. I own the vehicle (Contractor). It gets parked infront of my wife's car and has a work trailer connected to it. I had a repo agent attempt to move my wife's car out of the way. It was pulled in forward and it is FWD, so he would've had to drag it out to get to the collateral, which has a work trailer connected to it (Not Collateral). I told him that he was not to move my wife's car and he said he can move whatever he needs to to get the collateral.

Is this legal? Like I said, I understand that I owe the loan. That's being worked out. Until it is, my truck is my only income so I'm trying to avoid that. I just need to know if he can legally move my wife's car and my trailer, and if he does get it, can he take the trailer?

Repossession: Unlawful Repossession

Social Security Issues: Can We Choose a Different Ss Office to Be Seen at


We are having problems with an extremely incompetent SS employee. The supervisor refuses to get involved and merely directs us back to the same individual.

My father passed away in Nov and SS kept sending my brother's payments to my father's checking that was in probate and deducting it from a paper check so that for a 3 month period my brother only rec'd an $80 check. Story was always the same, waiting for the system to clear itself. We told them several times to stop sending payments to the checking and they ignored us. The only solution was to tell them my brother was his own payee and to send him payment check only. They eventually got the back pay to my brother and checks going to him. We since moved my brother to a condo and we had to tell SS several times to change the address to the condo which they eventually did after 2 months. Today my brother rec'd a SS check addressed to both my father and brother and was sent to the old address. We have given SS copies of my father's death certificate twice but yet continue to receive correspondence addressed to him.

There are two SS offices near my brother's location. The one with the incompetent employees and another office that is 3 miles further in the opposite direction. Getting appointments with SS is like winning the lottery and doing a walk-in and wait to be seen is a life sucking experience. I would hate to go through the waiting room process only to find out we have to go back to the incompetent location. Do we have any rights on choosing which location will handle my brother's case?

Social Security Issues: Can We Choose a Different Ss Office to Be Seen at

Neighbor Thinks He Owns Past His Surveyed Boundaries

My question involves property in NY. I am currently having a neighbor saying he owns past his surveyed boundaries. We both used the same surveyor and our lines match up. But this one neighbor thinks he owns past the boudaries. He came on our property removed out no trespassing sign and stole a trail cam. What is the best way to deal with a neighbor like this.

I have links to both our surveys.

Neighbor Thinks He Owns Past His Surveyed Boundaries

Social Security Issues: Collecting Ss Benefits - Can Employer Cut My Pay

I'm in NJ and collecting SS benefits (full retirement age) while still continuing to work full time. Somehow my employer found out and now wants to cut my pay. When I applied for benefits, SS said my employer would not be informed, so I don't know how this could have happened. Can they actually cut my salary?

Any advice would be appreciated. TIA.

Social Security Issues: Collecting Ss Benefits - Can Employer Cut My Pay


My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of:


vendredi 21 juin 2019

Banking: [Pls. Move to Real Estate] Need Mortgage Servicer to Send Duplicate Notices

My question involves personal finance in the State of: New York

My mother is aging. She is able to care for herself but sometimes misses things and ends up late on financial obligations.

Her mortgage was recently transferred to a servicer with a horrible (horrible!) record of "accidental errors" that result in foreclosures. People who have never missed a payment and never been late find themselves foreclosed upon and have to spend years suing the company to make things right.

I want to reduce the risk that this will happen to my mom by having copies of all statements and notices sent to me (at this age, she isn't diligent enough to do this reliably herself). If I see a problem, I want to address it immediately.

Given a signed letter from her authorizing this, is there anything that I can use to require the mortgage servicer to do this? I don't believe that they would ever do anything good on a voluntary basis. Everything that I see about them suggests that they are among the worst slimeballs to ever walk the earth.

I don't want to become responsible for all of her finances and I want her to continue to get copies of everything.

Banking: [Pls. Move to Real Estate] Need Mortgage Servicer to Send Duplicate Notices

Probate Court Procedure: Recording Letters of Administration

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: California

Can anyone please tell me what it means to record Letters of Administration with the County Clerk Recorder?

Probate Court Procedure: Recording Letters of Administration

Recourse Against State of California

My question involves court procedures for the state of: CA

I was a codefendant in a civil lawsuit in California beginning in 2017. My codefendant and I each had our own attorneys. We filed separate demurrers for statute of limitations, both of which were denied. My codefendant's was denied first, citing his denial during the statute period as concealment of evidence. Mine was denied afterward, but without having made a denial to so site.
After our demurrers were denied I settled, codefendant did not. A year later 12 jurors found that the statute of limitations had indeed run, case closed. Subsequent to my demurrer's denial I spent approximately $100k on legal fees and the settlement. Is it at all practical for me to take action against the state for the judge's decision to allow the case to proceed when it should have been stopped a year ago?

Recourse Against State of California

Loan Agreements: Return Loaner Car with Flat Tire,paid for a New Tire,1 Week Later Dealership Want 4k

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Virginia

I took my Audi A4 car to the dealership to get some issues fixed. The dealership gave me a Courtesy Loaner Vehicle to drive while my car was at their shop.

While I was driving on the Highway, I got a flat tire. I immediately parked the Car, called Audi Roadside Service to get the tire changed with the spare tire.

Took the car back to the dealer ship, they inspected the vehicle, noted that the tire being flat on the Inspection form. Asked me to pay for a new Tire which I gladly did ($250).

A week later I get a call from the service manger saying that they lifted up the car and noticed that there was 'More Damage to the Vehicle and the alignment is off' and that I owe them about $4000 dollars !!!

I told him that I took the car back and it only had a flat tire issue, the Loaner inspector checked the vehicle and two people drove the car before making me sign the inspection form. He was still keen that the damage was my fault and told me that he was ready to pay my deductible if I told my insurance to take care of it. He also said if I didn't want to do that, he would contact their AUDI LAWYERS and pursue me in court to pay the full $4,000 and all the lawyer fees !!

I told him at that point I would sue them right back for Malicious Prosecution, Lawyer Fees, Bad Reputation and Wasted Time. He asked me in what direction I wanted to move forward and told him I would need to consult a lawyer and would get back to him in a weeks time.

Am I liable, for the damages ? Can someone give my any guidance ? Shall I hire a lawyer ?

Loan Agreements: Return Loaner Car with Flat Tire,paid for a New Tire,1 Week Later Dealership Want 4k

Collecting on a Small Claims Judgement

My question involves collection proceedings in the State of: Missouri

I have a small claims judgement. The appeals period has expired. He has twice promised to pay the judgement. The payment date of the first promise arrived and he said the funding he was expecting hsd "fallen through". He stated that he should have funds to pay me by the end of June.

Now I'd like to research what my options are if he doesn't follow through on his second promise to pay. The court has paperwork that I can use to garnish his wages and bank accounts. But that requires his SSN. I spoke with a private investigator who promised that he could get me the judgement debtor's SSN and bank account info but his fee to do so would be $275.

My judgement is for $1185. The garnishment form includes a space to write in post judgement expenses -- could I list the PI's fee there and include that in what I collect?

Collecting on a Small Claims Judgement

Consumer Law Issues: C.o.d Contract "Balance Due at Installation"

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Washington.

Last time I was on this board It helped me a lot and I was able to win an appeal thanks to help from here so here I am again thank you.

I found a metal garage I liked online and I entered into a COD contract via e-signature . I think I need to cross out company info before uploading it here?

Basically it just states "balance due at installation" and "all orders are COD" and does not give a deadline for completion. The person who called and setup the installation day said that it would only take 1 day.

The installers came to install the metal garage and demanded payment before even unloading the materials. I asked if it was to be completed that same say and they said yes it would and I Reluctantly handed over my cashiers check.

At 530 pm the installers notified me that they did not have all the materials to complete the job and they had no idea when they would be able to finish it.

I called the company which was now closed and left a Voicemail explaining that the job was not completed on time as agreed and that I wanted to reschedule and also wanted a discount for the delay.

Since I was not able to reach the head office I went back outside and told them to give me my cashiers check back because I refused to pay for something 1/4 of the way installed. All that was done was the framing and roof. The siding, roll up doors, side door and window were not done. Also there was a lot of missing screws including some in the structural truss cross braces.

The installers gave me the check back.

Approximately 2 weeks later without any warning, I receive a phone call while I am at work and it is the head office telling my that the crew is back at my house on my property and that they need immediate payment in order to complete the job or else they will uninstall and take back the materials.

Since It was not planned or scheduled I was unable to leave work and I told them they were trespassing and to leave the property.

Now I am being sued by a collections company for the entire balance plus interest.

Not only was I left with an incomplete unsafe structure, I had to postpone work which I has scheduled to be done in the garage.

Anyone have any advice for best course of action? Shall I seek an attorney or is this one just a matter of representing myself and telling the judge what happened. ?


Consumer Law Issues: C.o.d Contract "Balance Due at Installation"

Vehicle Safety Barrier/Guard Rail Removal

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Pennsylvania. My wife and I recently purchased a home in the state of PA. The house is a corner lot with a front lawn that extends to the street. It’s a neighborhood street with little to know traffic. There’s a guard rail about fifty feet long wrapping around the corner of the lot. It’s a terrible eye sore and it only prevents people from driving on our lawn if they cut too close. Can I get this removed? Thank you!! 🙏🏼

Vehicle Safety Barrier/Guard Rail Removal

jeudi 20 juin 2019

Thought I Purchase a Townhome with a Detatched Garage

recently purchased a townhome w/ one car garage built in and one detached garage. purchased it off the mls using a real estate agent I knew. this townhome is part of an HOA (there are about 300 units total in the HOA) . the external garage is part of a separate structure that contains 17 single car garage units (each external garage has it's own tax ID and parcel #). the mls listing said this townhome came with 2 garages (one attached and one detached). this was said both in the COMMENTS section of the listing and the DETAILS section of the listing. anyway, 7 weeks after I moved in I received a note on my external garage that said "hi, we are the owners of these storage units." please call us immediately. I called my real estate agent and said, please look into this. this can't be right. I own the garage. the real estate agent, his broker, and the title company looked into this and found out the storage rental company does indeed own the external garage structure (they own all 17 garages). they had just purchased it from the original developer (who had also built all the townhomes). the developer built the townhomes (about 13 years ago) and sold them all (as expected), but RETAINED THE DEEDS to the external garage units. so the mls listing was wrong. the owners I had purchased the townhome from had told the listing agent they owned an external garage. and it looks like the listing agent did not verify this. so I just lost an external garage (worth about 20K) I thought I owned to a storage rental company.

that is the more simple part of the story. here is where the story takes in INTERESTING TWIST. the listing agent called the townhome sellers about this major error in the mls listing and asked them to explain. they said, we have used that garage for free the whole time we lived there. it even come with a remote that was inside the townhome when we first moved in. we purchased the townhome from the ORIGINAL owner (who is also a friend) and he told us he owned the garage. in fact the ORIGINAL owner said he had the original DEVELOPERS PURCHASE CONTRACT where the contract stated, he would OWN one detached garage when you purchased this townhome. and he even said the developer tried to kick him out of the external garage unit twice while he lived there but he managed to stay in (my guess is he showed them the original purchase contract that showed he owned a DETACHED garage and then they left him alone). but then I got asking around to some of my neighbors , they said the developer has actually been RENTING OUT most of the external garage units for years. there aren't many (if any) original townhome owners here. the turnover is pretty high and many of them are rentals. me and my real estate agent have not been able to get a hold of this original purchase contract (from the first time owner). but it appears the developer sold the external garage twice (once to the original owner of my townhome and once to the storage rental company). but they never signed over the deed of the external garage to the original owner of the townhome. when they sold it the second time (about a month ago) to the storage rental company then that is when they signed over all the external garage deeds to the new owner. so this townhome has been lived in for 13 years by 3 different people (all of whom were using this external garage) and never once did the developer try to charge rent? but apparently they did try to kick out the first owner twice. does that seem ILLEGAL or just UNETHICAL. I talked with the HOA manager about this and she said the developer had left her with a CONTACT NAME the tenants could call if they had questions of who owned the external storage rental units. so I called the developer's rep (contact) and said......"don't I own this external garage?" and I explained the situation. and he said....well, do the title documents and closing documents of your purchase of the townhome show you own the external garage? did you get the deed? and those documents mention nothing about the external garage. and there was no deed to the external garage (he already knew this). but I did ask him "hey, if I don't own it, why did you never charge me or the other 2 tenants that lived here rent in 13 years for this garage when you charge rent for many of the other garages? he said "I don't know". I think the answer is, they knew they had sold the external garage to the first tenant of the townhome. they may have just been waiting for enough turnover to occur to more easily sell the external garage structure without as much blowback from tenants.

so my question is, where should this go? who is guilty of what? (considering everything I say is true and can be proven in a court of law) developer? selling broker? listing broker? seller of townhome. and am I entitled to compensation from someone? that is the big question. I feel like a fool. I think I lost 20K in when I lost the external garage.

I will be meeting with a lawyer next week just for an initial consultation. the real estate agents admit they scrued up but really think the developer should have to re-imburse me for the loss of the external garage (they are hoping the get this original purchase contract so they can show it to the developer and say "hey, we know you SOLD THIS GARAGE TWICE". of course that would let the real estate agents off the hook. I do think there is a good chance the developer sold many of those external garages to the first time townhome owners (at least according to the purchase contract) but then never signed over the need to the external garage (as they should have). to sell something twice (like an external garage) should be FRAUD or something very serious. but a lot of these developers are smart enough they probably try not to cross that line that could land them in court, fined, and in jail.

also, there is no way I can keep that external garage is there? I am still in there. I talked to the owner of the storage rental company and he was very gracious saying I could stay in there free till the end of the month.....and even keep renting it from him if I wanted. but he did say "it is mine now, I own the deed so you either need to start paying rent or get out." I figure the only way I would keep the garage is of the original transaction between the developer and the storage rental company was considered fraudulent and had to be NULLIFIED. in other words, the developer didn't have a right to sell the external garages because they had already sold many (if not all) of them to the first time purchasers of the townhome (most of whom probably don't live in the townhomes anymore). I guess i am asking "IS IT THAT BIG OF DEAL THAT THE TOWNHOME OWNERS HAVE OCCUPIED THE EXTERNAL GARAGE FREE OF CHARGE for 13 years". it may mean nothing in this instance. but I know in some instances possession is huge (especially for that long of period).

all comments are much appreciated.

Thought I Purchase a Townhome with a Detatched Garage

Entering Service: Criminal Record Waiver Guidelines

Good evening.

So in August of 2009 I was CHARGED with Domestic Assault 3rd Degree in Missouri. In September, 2009 the charge was reduced to Assault 3rd Degree for a plea bargain which I accepted after being told by my lawyer that it would not affect my gun rights nor military eligibility. This charge carried a maximum of 1 year incarceration, which was suspended and in turn I completed 2 years unsupervised probation. The alleged victim was my recently ex-girlfriend and we were staying the night at a family member's.

2015 rolls around, and I purchased a gun. Got a DELAYED status from NICS, but thought nothing of it because my father, who had the same name, did have felony convictions. I assumed the delay was simply due to that. Waited a few days and picked up the gun. I had zero issues from the ATF. No warrants, no contact, etc.

So now early last year, 2018, I purchased a lower receiver and again received a DELAYED status. Waited the couple days and picked it up. Except this go around, I got a call from an ATF agent a week later and was told to meet him at a local pawn shop to pawn the receiver so that it was no longer in my possession. I mentioned that I owned several other guns and he said that was fine, but something from my criminal record, which consists solely of the one incident, turned my DELAYED into a DECLINED on this one purchase.

This brings us to now. I intend to enlist in the military. The Air Force Reserve Command specifically. Obviously not being able to possess guns is a no-go, but I have no definite answer whether I can or not. Is there a precedent for determining waiver eligibility in such a case?

Thanks in advance.

Entering Service: Criminal Record Waiver Guidelines

Grandparents and Third Parties: Losing Guardianship when Evidence Shows Otherwise

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Oklahoma. My husband and I have had guardianship of our 16 month granddaughter since birth. During this time my daughter and her husband have both been court ordered to have psychological evaluations done. Even though they both are already receiving disability for having learning disabilities, ICW director wanted these evaluations done. The evaluations showed that my daughter's IQ dropped from 66 to 52 and her husbands IQ is a 54, and that they both have to be supervised over their own needs. They did a doll simulation and the results showed 1% progress. My daughter lives with her husband and his parents, in which the dad has 16 allegiations of child sexual abuse but they didn't go any further than allegiations. My daughter had her son 2 weeks before their daughter turned 1. They gave the husbands mom guardianship of my grandson so that we wouldn't get guardianship. We are in state court with guardianship of our granddaughter and they are in tribal court with my grandson. My daughter and husbands attorney's are requesting the court to terminate our guardianship and have our granddaughter be with her parents even with DHS stating that my granddaughter does not need to live with her parents because they cannot take care of 2 kids and not sure they can take care of 1. With the evidence we have is there a chance we will lose guardianship and our granddaughter will have to go with her parents who have not supported her or been consistent in visiting her?

Grandparents and Third Parties: Losing Guardianship when Evidence Shows Otherwise

Divorce: [Ca] Required to Disclose Property in Uncontested Divorce

My question involves a marriage in the state of: California

My wife and I have decided to divorce after 3 years. I will be the petitioner. It will be an uncontested divorce and we're going to handle all financial/property issues ourselves without attorneys. Neither of us will be requesting support, and both will request to terminate the court's ability to award support in the future. Given this, do I still need to provide a declaration of separate property (FL-110) along with the FL-100, or can I check the "There are no such assets or debts that I know of to be confirmed by the court" box on the form?

I suppose the same question applies to the disclosure of community property.

Divorce: [Ca] Required to Disclose Property in Uncontested Divorce

Business Ownership: Single Member LLC - What Happens if I Were to Die

My question involves business law in the state of: New York

Hello - I've recently started my first LLC in New York City. The LLC will engage in the business of trading financial derivatives and will have starting capital of $100,000. The capital/trading account will be with TD Ameritrade (my broker). I'll be the sole member of the LLC (trading my money).

My question is: If I end up passing away (I hope this doesn't happen of course!) will my wife have rights to terminate the LLC and withdraw any cash in the account (which I would want her to be able to)? My wife is neither a member nor a manager of the LLC (I've left her out of the LLC for compliance reasons as she works for an investment bank - although her employer has allowed me to engage in this business but prohibited me from trading equities). We don't have a pre-nup. Does her ability to have rights to the capital depend on LLC operating agreement? Or does it have more to do with TD Ameritrade? Or can I grant her permission in my will? Or does she have a claim no matter what? My apologies for my ignorance in all of this, my training is in finance.

I should probably consult with an attorney but would like to get some opinions here before I do so.

Much appreciated.

Business Ownership: Single Member LLC - What Happens if I Were to Die

I Buy a Motorcycle Without a Tiltle and a Hand Written Bile of Sale

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: How can I get a motorcycle register with \out a title and vin don't match vehicle.

I Buy a Motorcycle Without a Tiltle and a Hand Written Bile of Sale

Title Ownership: Dealer Made Out My Motorcycle Registration to Someone Else

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: Pennsylvania.
I purchased a new Kawasaki Ninja from a dealership. When they filled out the registration information they made it out to someone else and I never received it. A year later I realized there mistake. I contacted the Dealership and was told it was out of there hands and was my fault for not notifying them within 90 days. I assumed the registration was in the packet of papers I was given at the time of purchase. The Dealership does not return my calls and is not helpful. What can I do?

Title Ownership: Dealer Made Out My Motorcycle Registration to Someone Else

Enforcement of Judgments: Wife Refuses to Take Her Name Off of Boat Title That is in My Possession and Granted

My question involves a marriage in the state of: Florida

The divorce property division was agreed upon by my wife and I outside of the courts stating we will each keep what we have in our possession. The agreement was she gets the house and everything that goes with it and I get the boat and everything that goes with it. The boat has been in my possession and slip fees have been paid by me for a year prior of the divorce and continue to do so to date. I do have and have had possession of the boat which is a Soveral 48 foot sailboat prior to the divorce. I signed the house over to her already. I separated my finances from her a year before the divorce due to her getting us over $60k in debt. It was her spending and lying to me about it that caused the problem.

I informed her she needed to be at the DMV with me per the DMV to transfer the title over to me solely. I had talked with her about it and stated we could take care of it in a month when I returned home from work. She moved to Ohio and did so without informing me or transferring the title to me solely. I hired US Coastguard documentation service ($400 so far) since the transfer could be done in the mail at the Coastguard level.

All paperwork was prepared and sent to her a few months back but she is refusing to fill it out, notarize and return the paperwork to the documentation agency. She claims she has done it and emailed and mailed the information to the agency but the agency never received the email or mail she claims to have sent. She has been asked to resend the paperwork by me and the agency but she will not comply with the request.

The agency has spoken with her several times trying to aid in the process. She refuses to speak to me and seldom answers my email requests about completing the documentation. Prior I had offered to fly her back to Florida to transfer at the DMV but she refused to do so.

What can I do to get the papers signed and notarized by her and sent to the title company if she will not do so voluntarily? I want to leave the area and can not do so without the title being solely in my name.

Thank you.

Enforcement of Judgments: Wife Refuses to Take Her Name Off of Boat Title That is in My Possession and Granted

Nlrb Toll Extensions

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: Kansas

I am looking for case law that supports the extension of tolling limit for a possible NLRB case. This one is out of the 6 month window. I recently learned that I could possibly have a case under the NLRB with my termination.

Nlrb Toll Extensions

mercredi 19 juin 2019


My question involves a person located in the state of: Long Island, NY


Social Security Issues: Being Denied 100% Benefits

I worked 10 years to accumulate my 40 quarters starting in 1958. Then in 1959, I decided to serve my country by joining the army to get my obligation out of the way.
Afterwhich I join the workforce to finish out my 40 quarters under social security. Then I took a civil service job with my fire department that is covered by a pension and not social security in 1969. I retired from the fire department at age 55 and at age 62, I applied for social security benefits. But before I applied, I learned that I would not receive the full benefit because I also receive a pension from the city.
Now I am 79 years old and starting to notice my dollars do not go as far as they did prior to retiring. There are two reasons. One is inflation, but the main one is that Medicare has taken out all the raise's social security awarded for the last 5 or 6 years. It's called a COLA. It appears that social security is pulling a fast one on retiress's under the same circumstances as mine. They do not care about the increase in cost of buying or renting real estate, food, clothing and etc. So they allow Medicare to eat up any increase I get from social security. This is not fair. It did not cost the government anything while I and my employers contributed to social security.
When I question them, the reply was I did not make enough money when I was a young man making his way. But if I am not mistaken, there is a minimum payment to to those with 40 quarters paid in as of 1968 and more adjustments since then.
Now my question is: Do I have a case and file a class action against social security and what expenses I may incur in doing so?

Social Security Issues: Being Denied 100% Benefits

Fire Takes Out Tenants Building, Can I Sue Their Insurance Company Directly

My question involves insurance law for the state of: Arizona

A fire in a shopping center that I own destroyed the restaurant building. In addition to that, before it could be demolished, a second building had to be demolished to be able to get to the first one. There have been some issues with the tenants insurance company.

The question is: Can I file an action directly against the tenants insurance company or must I file it against the tenants?

Fire Takes Out Tenants Building, Can I Sue Their Insurance Company Directly

Business Insurance: Fire Takes Out Tenants Building, Can I Sue Their Innsurance Company Directly

My question involves insurance law for the state of: Arizona

A fire destroyed a restaurant that I had rented to another business. It was totaled, in addition, to be able to get to the destroyed building, a second building had to be demolished for access. There are significant problems with the claims, can I sue my tenants insurance company directly or do I have to file against my tenants?

Business Insurance: Fire Takes Out Tenants Building, Can I Sue Their Innsurance Company Directly

Unknowingly Asked for Nude from Underage Person

I got a friend request on Snapchat sometime ago and i accepted it without knowing the person. We never really chat before. One day i was going over my unknown contacts and asked if the person sells pics/videos (i have got requests from many premium snapchatters who do that). While i had no intention of buying i asked that just to know if the person is scam or a legit person. The person denied and said shes not prostitute. We had few texts exchanges after that. Finally i asked her age and was shocked to hear she was 15! I immediately apologized and said i had no idea she was a minor. I know for sure this was not a scam but a real person.
What are the chances it could lead me to trouble?

Unknowingly Asked for Nude from Underage Person

Service Providers: No Contract Signed

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: MA

A photographer wants to charge me the full amount of a photo shoot when she didn’t even do the work. I had to cancel on her due to a death in the family and now she wants $700+ for it “not happening”.. there was no contract signed and she is now contacting my friends and family, coworkers at my job saying how I owe her. Does she have any legal standing?

Service Providers: No Contract Signed

Medical Malpractice: Too Old to Be Profitable

My question involves malpractice in the state of: New Jersey

I'm 60, and have a potential lawsuit against an ER that delayed my spinal decompression surgery by over a day due to misdiagnosis of a dropped foot.

I've contacted 4 law firms so far, all have refused my case at the "phone screener" stage. Three of these law firms were "major" practices listed in US News and World Reports "America's best lawyers", and one was a "billboards all over the place" operation (sorry - no better way to describe them)

At the 4th law firm, a major that exclusively does medical malpractice, I offered to pay for a consultation. they refused my offer and told me they felt it would not be profitable enough if they won the case. I don't have kids to raise or decades of lost wages to boost my payment.

The 4 rejections were by experts so it would be unwise to pay myself instead of using a firm's contingency plan.

What can I do? I assume I have no ability to sue.


Medical Malpractice: Too Old to Be Profitable

Pets and Animals: Good Faith Adoption (Private Sector)

My question involves personal property located in the State of: West Virginia

I found a posting on Face Book (FB) of an individual who was looking for a re-homing situation for her dog. I visited the home and agreed to adopt the dog. I immediately transported the dog to the Vet for vaccinations and check-up as the owner stated the dog had not had a vet visit for the past two-and-a-half-years. I also transported the dog to the groomer where the dog was bathed and foot care was provided.

Three days following the adoption, I was informed via FB Messenger that the dog belonged to a man Florida and that the young lady who gave the dog to me was not the owner and did not have the right to re-home the dog.

After much back and forth I notified the man in FL not to contact me again until he settled the civil matter with the young lady from whom I adopted the dog.

I feel the matter of ownership should be settled between the two individuals before I get involved.

Am I correct?

Good Faith Adopter!

Pets and Animals: Good Faith Adoption (Private Sector)

Relocation: Non Custodial Parent Moving Out of State

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Iowa

My Ex wife and I divorced in 2015. We have joint custody with myself being primary physical care. Non custodial parent (ex wife) has visitation every other weekend and holidays and 3 weeks in the summer. She lived 10 miles away when the divorce decree was filed. One parent is to drop off and the other to pick up for the visitation. The non custodial parent has since moved out of state 17 hours away obviously not taking the child every other weekend and most holidays. Her family lives close to myself so she picks up our child for the summer 3 week visitation but is demanding that I pick her up 17 hours away and spend time and money to do so. Our decree has nothing stating what happens if one parent intends to or actually moves away. Do I have to travel that far and spend hundreds of dollars for gas and lodging when she volunteered to move that far away?

Relocation: Non Custodial Parent Moving Out of State

Service Providers: Engine Done After Oil Change

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of Texas
Car in Question: Hyundai Veloster 2019
Mileage at change: 11925
Mileage at plug falling out: 12321


Oil Changed Fri, May 31st, 2019.
Oil pan plug fell out of the vehicle while driving at highway speeds destroying the engine, June 4.

Longform Details:

We had our oil changed at a local oil change place on May 31st. The oil change was uneventful aside from the mechanics having a hard time removing the oil filter. This was the first oil change we had on the vehicle since purchasing it due to my wife not understanding that oil needs to be changed 3-5k (it's the first car that she has had that is hers). We drove the vehicle the next day (Saturday, June 1st) to Denton Texas (75-mile round trip) with no issue. Sunday we did very little driving, just around town, maybe 20-30 miles, had no issues. Monday my wife took the car to work and back, 80 miles round trip, no problem. Tuesday morning (June 4th) while driving to work the car's engine seized up and the car was towed to the nearest Hyundai dealership. As the car was being placed on the flatbed tow we noted oil dripping from the flatbed. Two days later (June 6th) the car was inspected by the Hyundai dealership. The oil pan plug was found to be missing causing extremely rapid egress of the oil in the engine which then caused the engine to seize up. That evening I contacted a lawyer who informed me that his firm did not handle these sort of cases, but recommended I start gathering any and all evidence possible relating to this incident, specifically looking for indicators that oil may have been leaking from the vehicle prior to the vehicle's failure on the 4th. Upon inspecting my wife's assigned parking spot I found a relatively large patch of fresh oil, enough that I could run my finger over the patch and make out the gold sheen of the oil. I have this on video. I also contacted my mother-in-law and asked her to check where we parked on Saturday in Denton to look for any oil, she found a spot (far smaller than the one at my apartment) of oil. We have photos and video of this. On the 7th we went to the dealership to visually inspect the vehicle and confirm the dealerships findings. The undercarriage of the vehicle was soaked in oil from the oil pan plug all the way to the back of the vehicle confirming the oil pan plug fell out while the vehicle was in motion. (We have video/photos of this as well.)

We have contacted the oil change place who have told us multiple things, from we voided their warranty by not taking the vehicle directly to them when there was an issue, to we voided it when we did not take it directly to them before the 4th as oil was leaking. They have also told us we would need to pay for a tow to their shop in order for them to even look at the vehicle despite myself and the Hyundai dealership having given them permission to inspect the vehicle where it currently is.

At this point, we are unsure of how to proceed. We didn't know the car was leaking oil until after the catastrophic engine failure. We couldn't have noted it ahead of time because it rained in Dallas on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd (I have NOAA Climate Reports from each of these days as well as archival weather radar images proving this), and frankly, we weren't looking for it. There were literally maybe 5 instances of my wife pulling her car into her parking spot in between the time we got the oil changed and when the engine blew, the first of which there would not have been any oil present as it was the day of the oil change, the second of which was Saturday evening past dusk w/ rain, Sunday, similar story, and Monday, once again, with rain. We were also never made aware that their warranty required us to tow the vehicle directly to their shop if there was an issue, we were never given the warranty information.

Based on oil being present where we parked on Saturday (less than 24 hours after the oil change), the pool of oil under our vehicle's assigned parking spot and the vehicles condition when it was towed I think it's safe to draw the conclusion that the oil plug was not properly secure, oil slowly leaked from the engine over the first couple of days, and after sometime normal road conditions/vibrations loosened the plug enough for it to fall out while the vehicle was in transit. But at this point, I have the service provider telling me that not only was their warranty voided by us but that even for them to look at the vehicle I am going to have to pay $150+ to have it towed to their location. I'm lost at this point. So, for my most pressing questions.

Should I pay to have the vehicle towed to their shop? Would not doing so hurt my chances should I need to take legal recourse.

I have a family friend that practices law but is out of country until the first of July. Can I leave this as it is and wait for him to return, or should I hire an attorney before then.

Do I need to send a letter of demand now?

Thank you for reading, I appreciate any and all advice.

Service Providers: Engine Done After Oil Change

Traffic Accidents: Traffic Accident-Vehicle Under Deceased Grandmother's Name

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: FL

Hello, and thank you for reading and taking the time to share your opinion.
I'll try to keep it short, but if there are details that could help let me know.

Status of my vehicle:

I had been sharing an auto policy with my grandmother for many years while I took care of her needs. She was in her 90s and not self sufficient.
She had a vehicle that she let me use whenever I needed it, which happened to be a long time for reasons that are not relevant.
Last year my grandmother passed away. My father lives in TX and my Uncle lives in NY(her only 2 children).
My father had POA.
I tried to get the title transferred into my name but the tax collectors office said my father needs to be present. Once again he lives in TX.
At this point I just added the car to a new auto policy in my own name. The title is still in my grandmother's name.

Nature of the Accident:

I was involved in a 3 party accident. Party 1 was stopped on the interstate (far right lane). Party 2 saw them late and rear ended Party 1 on the left side. Party 3 (Me) tried to avoid the collision by maneuvering to the right shoulder. Right shoulder is under construction with concrete barrier with not enough room for the entire car. My left mirror and door side-swiped Party 1's rear/right quarter.

Party 1 (4 people) got out of the car and we hung out and talked--even laughed with me. No one was injured.
I was not issued a ticket.
All vehicles were able to move under their own power.

Current situation and Question

Later, two of the people from Party 1 claimed Injury against my policy.
They are now demanding an Affidavit from me as well as my deceased grandmother, as the car is in her name.
In FL I am not required to complete the affidavit.

I did not inherit anything from my grandmother, and I do not know of any estate left in her name.
My financial situation: Solid, I think, for a 27 year old. I own 2 cars (nothing fancy, combined value maybe $8,000) and have a house on mortgage. I have a pretty middle class salary. No kids, not married. Saving for retirement in several types of accounts.

Should I disclose to my insurance company that my grandmother is deceased and therefor cannot sign an affidavit? Or will that bring me more trouble?
Should I sign the affidavit? I feel like the answer is no...

If I say nothing and don't submit an affidavit, is it likely that they have grounds to take me to court?
I don't know what to do and hope someone is patient enough to read all of this.

In my opinion, Party 1 is just aggressively trying to demand everything and just see what comes up. Like I mentioned, there was no injury at the scene, and the damage actually caused by my sideswipe was minor.
Party 2 was primarily at fault and I believe was ticketed, however I believe this party to have state minimum insurance limits and little to no assets--therefore coming after me instead.

Sorry, that was not short. :(

Traffic Accidents: Traffic Accident-Vehicle Under Deceased Grandmother's Name

Working With a Lawyer: Steer Me in the Right Direction

Good afternoon,

Could anyone please hint me how does the system of selling a right to seek the recovery of damages through the court work: in particular, how to evaluate the potential of the case and how to ultimately sell it, and advice firms that specialize in this field.

The essence of the matter: my name got involuntarily involved into illegal schemes of high-ranking officials, me being completely strange and irrelevant to these schemes. Accidentally I got to know about this, tried to fix the situation, which led only to worsening my position.

Thank you

Working With a Lawyer: Steer Me in the Right Direction

mardi 18 juin 2019

Foreclosure: Do We Havwe Any Option After Foreclosure if We Can Prove Fraud

My question involves real estate located in the State of: California. We hired an attorney in Ca to handle negotiations with our lender for a modification. We had a sale date and we were told to file a bare bones chapter 13 to stop the sale. A motion of stay. We did this and waited for what came next. The new sale date was pushed out a month as we got closer we were told to file another skeletal bare bones we did this. As the third and final sale date became closer we were told to file a third skeletal bare bones and that negotiations were close to being final. We files a third but were not told that we did not receive a motion of stay our house sold the next day. The law firm called and told us the next morning and said they refunded our money. we were shocked when we asked why this happened we were told they weren't aware it was the third filing. They advised us to do all three. We had over 100,000.00 of equity in our home. We have now found out that there was no reason to file the first one the lender had stopped the sale. The best part is that we have found out that the Senior council in the attorneys office could have been an associate of the man that bought our home. This is just was over our heads. but something isn't right. We spent 20 grand trying to save our home. Ive called attorneys they require so much money down. Ive filed with California Bar but can I be doing something else. its a nightmare.

Foreclosure: Do We Havwe Any Option After Foreclosure if We Can Prove Fraud

What Does This Mean

My question involves criminal law for the state of: California. What does this mean 6 YEARS COUNTY JAIL PER 1170(H)(5(A)PC 06/18/19 MSC LICALSI/CONVICT (VM)

What Does This Mean

Can a Boat Purchase Contract Be Void if Seller Never Took Legal Ownership

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: California

I purchased a used boat (1979) from a person who sells Food Trucks and repairs food trucks for a living. The individual used his business receipt to give me a receipt. He did not have the title at the time of the purchase and said he would mail it to me. I did get but the title was in someone else's name and he created a Release of Liability online via the DMV under the other persons name.

I'm suing this guy for verbal fraudulent misrepresentation. However, I want to see if I can also win my case by having the "purchase contract" voided if he never had title in his name. If he wasn't the legal owner at the time of sale can this be a reason to void the purchase agreement? Also, would it be considered breaking the law when he completed the Release of Liability in the previous owners name? If the receipt can be voided would that reverse the exchange, meaning I get my money back and he gets the boat back?

Are there any cases I can search for where this situation occurred and someone was successful that I can bring up in Small Claims Court? What laws or Vehicle codes can I recite in court to back this situation up?

Any help would be so appreciated.

Thank you.

Can a Boat Purchase Contract Be Void if Seller Never Took Legal Ownership

Hearings and Trials: No Contest in a Trial by Written Declaration

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California

I allegedly ran a stop sign last Jan. Trial by written declaration is set for next week. I eventually got discovery from the CHP and it's damning. Should I plead no contest in the TBD to maximize my chance of getting traffic school? I don't want my insurance to go up.

Thanks in advance

Hearings and Trials: No Contest in a Trial by Written Declaration

California Laws

Hello. I am wondering: I was told unless by my city's traffic division if a non officer records me running a red light, illegal turn, or speeding, then shows an officer, that I can't get in trouble. I'm not sure but IF I ran a red light, it looked like my vehicle was past the intersection.
Also, I want to be as anonymous as possible, but I have called the traffic division and fortunately they said they no longer use red light cameras in my city. Now this is what I do worst case: I have taken pictures of red light camera signs required to be posted within 200 feet. I also take pictures of areas where there is a red light violation sign but no camera. If an officer didn't record me, how would these defenses hold in court?
Also, if I don't hurt anyone, but run a red light, am I still able to be charged with reckless driving??

California Laws

lundi 17 juin 2019

Do I Need to Send Waiver of Summons in This Case

My question involves court procedures for the state of: California, federal jurisdiction.

Background: I was beaten by a law enforcement officer. I had been totally polite and cooperative. The County rejected my claim, so I am suing in federal court. I tried to find an attorney, but couldn't, so I am going about this Pro Se.


I thought I had 90 days to send the defendant the waiver of service of summons. I was trying to figure out how to fill it out, because it is not clear if I am supposed to fill out each form or if I should leave each form blank for the defendant to fill out. About 45 days after I filed the complaint at the federal court, I received mail from the defendant's attorney claiming that the case should be dismissed because I haven't sent the waiver of summons. They also claimed that I had erroneously named the County Sheriffs Department as the defendants instead of the County.

Do I still need to send in the waiver? Obviously they got notice of the lawsuit against them. Will the case be dismissed because of this. Was I mistaken that I had 90 days to send the waiver?

Thank you so much. I have so many questions, and I know that there is a lot to federal lawsuits, but doing this Pro Se seems like the only / most time efficient option at this point, and I've decided that if that's the only way I can do this, then I'm going to do it. I am open to alternative suggestions, but again, if those don't work out, I am going to try my best going Pro Se. I just want to be able to ask specific questions, and I promise to do as much research as I can before asking for help and to minimize the amount of help I ask others for and maximize the amount of work I do myself.

Thanks so much.

Do I Need to Send Waiver of Summons in This Case

Child Neglect: What Constituts Neglect in North Carolina

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: NC. My neice dad whom was my brother was murdered in 2016. Before that the baby mama had no issue with us being in my neice life. For almost 3 years since his murder all of a sudden she has tefused my mother visitation to her and her reason is bcause she mad my mom wouldnt allow her (my neice) in the funeral. My neice was 5 at the time. I swear to God she says thats her reason for refusing us visitation to her even though we are the only link my neice has to her father. We have been in contact with my neice bt uts hard bcause of the baby mama.
The situation haz hit its breaking point as of recently. A family memeber from her family has been in contact with us for the past month making us aware of whats going on. My mom got ti see my neice Saturday thanks to the family memeber. When my mom saw her Saturday she was covered all on her legs and arms and back covered in bedbug and flea bite. I talked to the family memeber after that and they told me that the house is infested with bedbugs and fleas. That the mother leaves her with the grand mother all the time there is no steady money coming in the house cause the sorry ass baby MAMA dont work or wanna work. She was living off her dads ss until recently cause he passed.the grandmother is in mourning so she not in the mind set to take care of my neice.
My neice is 8 yeara old and she cant read or write her name. She failed kindergarten and im not sure she passed her grade this year. We are concerned who she has my neice around. The mother is in a relationship with a family member on her mom side. Niot to mention she was investigated twice for neglect. They were investigating her for neglect in 2016 bcause of drugs in the home. Her family memebers were the ones who set that in motion.
Like i said its at its breaking point. I wanna know wts our best course of action to seek custody or atleast equal rights to her? Bcause my neice has suffered already at such a young age. Weve given the mother a chancw to b senasable but now its hit its point. Shpuld we call cps or should we go to a lwayer and go feom there? My neixe deserves way better.

Child Neglect: What Constituts Neglect in North Carolina

Service of Process: Server Forgot to Provide Receipt

My question involves court procedures for the state of: Washington (Kitsap County)

Court tomorrow and the server (owner of the home the defendant stays in) admitted he forgot to file the service receipt with the court.
I have text and facebook messages from both the server and the defendant, time-stapped two months ago, admitting reception of the court documents. Will that suffice?
The receipt of service form is supposed to be filed with the court at least 5 days before so not sure what to do.

Thank you for any and all help.

Service of Process: Server Forgot to Provide Receipt

Double Jeopardy

The U.S.S.C. declines to abolish the "Dual Sovereigns" doctrine.

Good or bad?


Double Jeopardy

Use and Enforcement: Bump in Road

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Montana. I live up a private easement which only a few people have legal access on. One neighbor put a berm on the dirt road that has damaged my low-clearance RV since I have scraped my underside on the berm multiple times with that vehicle. There is no way I can avoid the berm and still get to and from my property. I have informally and nicely (in writing) asked him to remove it for the stated reason but the only response I got was his wife trying to yell at me as I drove by. I can buy a $20,000 tractor and remove it myself but that may just lead to tractor wars. Is hiring a lawyer and filing a lawsuit my only real option since he has ignored my request?

Use and Enforcement: Bump in Road

Contractors and Subcontractors: Harrassment on an Easement

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Michigan
I am building a house in a rural area. It is on .65 acre lot 100ft by 265ft
There is an easement running along side it and over the back portion of it. It is an easement described in a survey of the neighbor behind me as "the described along with an easement for ingress and egress."
That is the only documentation I have found other than what the bank found and that was that the easement was origianally created for consumers power company to service power lines.
The neighbor behind using it wants to claim it is a "Private road." I believe not , especially since it crosses my property.
They have gotten even more belligerent now by harassing my contractors and cement guy telling him he can not park there even when they are not in need of getting in or out. Also, there is a drive right next to that easement that they could use to go around but just want to be "Un - Neighborly"
The property where I am putting my house was formerly owned by the Department of Natural resources of Michigan. That is why they were never challenged when using the easement. I am not challenging them using it. I am challenging there right to "Private" use of the easement.
I have contiguous property and believe I have every right to use it also without being challenged or harassed !!!!
Please advise. Thanks, Tim

Contractors and Subcontractors: Harrassment on an Easement

My Dog Was Killed, Possibly in My Neighbors Yard

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: Maryland

My dog was killed in my neighbors yard. My kids play with my neighbors dogs all the time. We had no idea that the one dog was ultra aggressive. Without me knowing and in my children's innocence they grabbed our family dog and stepped just over our property line onto theirs...I believe (see more below). The neighbors one dog came over and was licking my dog. My dog was lying down enjoying herself. Out of no where the other dog that my neighbor owns darted over and mauled my dog. I heard the scream, saw it quick and so did the neighbor and we pulled the dog away. However, it was too late, I believe my dogs neck was broken in the first bite. My dog is 8lbs and the other dog looks to be a mix breed of some sort and the size of a boxer.

I don't know what I'm asking here, I just don't know what I should do next. I had no idea this dog would be so aggressive to kill and especially since my dog was just lying there without any aggression. She didn't even see him coming. I have the entire event on camera from the cameras around my house, but it's at a distance. I also question one thing, I remember my neighbor telling me that they do not put the electric fence collar on their dogs because they know where the line is and just won't cross it. I question whether my dog was truly over the line.

My dogs never cross over onto their property so we've never had an incident before. My children took our dog closer.

I guess I'm just wondering what do I do from here. Should I report it and why? If I don't want to go legal should I still report it? I feel if you have an aggressive dog is an electric fence enough? Shouldn't you tell your neighbors about his aggression? Shouldn't you say something especially when you see we have small dogs and small children?

Maybe I'm just upset.....

My Dog Was Killed, Possibly in My Neighbors Yard