mardi 28 juin 2016

Holland Tunnel Guns - Heroes or Criminals

This got national attention last week and seeing as I know one of the individuals personally, thought I'd post it here to see what everyone thought.

Backstory - 3 individuals from PA were on a mission to save a girl in NYC from drugs when they were stopped by Port Authority police with a truck full of guns.

Subsequently, all 3 have been charged with weapons violations and possession of drugs violations. My friend is currently sitting in jail with a $75,000 cash-only bail option. His lawyer (a high profile criminal defendant) has failed once with bail reduction and has stated he will wait 30-60 days until media exposure dies down to request a reduction a second time.

As a licensed firearm owner, these 3 screwed up royally. But as I said, I know one of the individuals personally and know he was only along for the ride to create a documentary.

What are everyone's thoughts?

Holland Tunnel Guns - Heroes or Criminals

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