dimanche 1 mai 2016

Loan Agreements: Returned Auto Fees / Failed Loan

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Colorado

I'm wanting to know if a lender/dealer can hold me liable for fees from a failed auto loan (mileage, daily fee, + down payment), if I did not provide false information. The loan specifically stats that these fees are only accessed, if I'm at fault. If I make false statements or give false documents on my application. The discrepancy is with my monthly income, which has changed since the beginning of the year. I used my current income on the app, but my total gross this year, does not reflect that current income. My hourly wage and the gross of the check stub I provided, does. I was required to provide my last check stub, which I did. When filling out the app, I did not make a note that my hourly rate/monthly income had changed. I did notify my salesperson that I was given a raise.

Would I be considered at fault in this situation?

Loan Agreements: Returned Auto Fees / Failed Loan

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