samedi 28 mai 2016

Discrimination: Employment Discrimination and Harassment -Transgender Lgbt + Disability

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: CA

I got a job at a place that takes in people with Disability's on top of that i am Transgender, keep that in mind. :p

- the job does not pay Minimum wage but a time study 30/60% off the normal pay Minimum wage.
-- during my interview i was told "you are a ticking time boom waiting to happen "

when i asked why, the interviewer said because you are Transgender and that you had your Name + Gender Changed through the COURT and Social Security and The State of CA as well as a Birth Paper that states your new gender and name.

during my interview the interviewer kept calling me Male Pronouns when he knew darn well i changed it to Female Pronouns.

Later he said that did you notice how many times i kept calling you Male Pronouns, i reply yes i did but i did not say anything because i was not sure if you where testing my response because you knew what was going on & said i was a time boom... as well he said you look like a MAN so the other employees will treat you like one.... sooo yeah

he was well you took it well, but i still feel you are not going to make it but you start on this date.

--- Later down the road i went to work, work was great but The Supervisors in the Main office kept referring to me as a Male and Male Pronouns, they also where aware of the change of my Pronouns and Gender but kept saying male Pronouns. :confused:

i felt harassed and on phone calls my boss would use male Pronouns.

---- Later i went to use the bathroom "FEMALE" Bathroom, to later be called into the Bosses office and asked " WHY DID YOU USE THE WOMAN'S BATHROOM " i reply because Federal, State & Local Laws as well as Title 7 said i can oh and because my DMV ID and Birth Papers said "FEMALE"////

i then felt Discriminated against they said " YOU LOOK LIKE A MAN " we work here with over 200+ employees that are disabled and DO NOT have the "IQ" to process what T R A N S G E N D E R is and are going to be confused what you are.

i was told to use the SINGLE Womens bathroom with a Lock, not to use any bathroom with stalls so that i do not confuse them, they where worried that the employees Parents would show up and make a big deal out of it and Yank them out and lose the company Money.

They kept still calling male things even after i turned in a letter of resignation saying why i left & that they where confused to what i was talking about and how what they where saying was Harassment and Discrimination!

----- OFF TOPIC: my friend works there as well, also Transgender M2F, she was told You are not allowed to access any Female bathroom, as well as not allowed to have ANY employees call you any FEMALE (NAME, GENDER) because you are a man and you do not have a cOURT DOcument and birth paper saying it. When Fedeal, State and Local laws and Title 7 said

Common Law in the state of CA allows one to be called what ever name they want as well as have it changed in employment record but banking and financial info

also stated JULY 1st 2014 you no longer need a COurt order for Gender change on ANY DOCUMENT in the state of ca but you do need a name change order but CA still uses common law.

------ So can someone till me if my RIGHTS have been Violated and what i should do next.

lets keep the post clean, & keep the H8 out.

Discrimination: Employment Discrimination and Harassment -Transgender Lgbt + Disability

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