mardi 31 mai 2016

Sentencing: Was Given Probation - but Had Some Special Circumstances Resulting in Violations

I originally had a driving charge, had never been in any trouble so they gave me 11/29 probation. Was going thru some financial problems couldn't make a payment which resulted in 2 violations for non payment each time they revoked and extended my probation which restarted it from beginning each time after being arrested, bonded & going to court.
Finally got straightened out financially w better jobs and got probation on track
And everything was going fine and then found out I was pregnant - continued seeing my p.o. throughout pregnancy .
At my eighth month I started having issues with my health and was ordered to be on bed rest , I took Dr paperwork to my officer and she said she understood. She set up an appt for me to meet her a month later after due date. As soon as I gave birth, baby had some problems and had to be taken to a hospital a few cities away.
My first call was to the probation officer to let her know the situation and that I could even have the hospital call or fax her to verify where we were.
My daughter had some g.I. problems and had several tests and procedures done . we were there 19 days of which I stayed in contact with my probation officer.
I had no way to go back yo see her while in that city because as I told u I had a driving charge to start with so I can't drive.
When we finally we released I got home, first thing I did was call my probation officer and she communicated that the judge violated me. My heart has sank because I am a new mom in LOVE with my baby girl. My life is for her 24/7 and I'm TERRIFIED that since this is the 3rd violation they will make me do my whole 11/29 in jail for this.
**my question is this: I'm planning to go turn myself in and bond out quickly to come back home to my baby. Two days later I go back for arraignment where they will just hand me a piece of paper with my court date on it & the judge will say go see your probation officer and get in compliance before u return to court.
I'm trying to figure out any way possible to not have to flatten out this sentence and be away from my newborn baby for a year, as a new mom my heart is absolutely breaking. If I take out a loan and pay off my 2500 in court costs and all my supervision fees before I go back to court everything would be paid off will he dismiss my probation or will I still go to jail??

Sentencing: Was Given Probation - but Had Some Special Circumstances Resulting in Violations

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