vendredi 27 mai 2016

Sex Offenses: Sexual Assault Against a Minor

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Missouri. My boyfriend has recently landed himself in the county jail for a sex offense. He is 18 and the girl is 15. He has been charged with Sodomy or attempted sodomy in the first degree. Right now he has 3 counts against the same 15 year old girl and has a $50,000 bond have a 3 month old son. My boyfriend has never ever showed any negative signs towards our child. He is a great father. He loves his son and tries his best to support for him. He wants to still be in his son's life and be a father for him and he still wants to be a family. I don't want to have a chance of my son being taken from my care but I also believe my boyfriend should have the right to be in our son's life. Like I said, he is a good father and never showed anything bad towards our baby. Yes I love my boyfriend very much. I know he did a very terrible thing. That does not mean he is evil forever. I have known him for over 2 years. This is not something he has made a habit out of. He is a great father and has always been good to me and our child. He messed up once. I do want my boyfriend to face the consequences because he done a bad thing. I need some answers. What could happen after everything(the aftermath)?

Sex Offenses: Sexual Assault Against a Minor

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