My question involves personal property located in the State of: Texas. After the foreclosure, I received a letter from the new owner's attorney stating that i needed to vacate by certain date or eviction suit would be filed and to please contact them regarding my intention. I did so immediately and stated when i would try to be out. I was already in process, but was alone with no help. After returning from a trip to storage, gate to property had new chains and locks, locks on doors of home had been changed... Can't get my things. Contact lawyer again.. He states that my neighbor is in PROCESS of buying the place, but does not own yet, and he is changing locks and locking me out. Never did let me in to move my things out. He drug my 06 VW bug down the driveway on its axle,with his tractor, to the outside of gate, blocking entrance and causing a lot of damage. He also removed my mailboxes out of the ground, removed my furniture and all contents, destroyed a lot of my possessions and has not sent any notice on how to get my stuff back. I was never served any kind of 3day or other. I had permission to be there. What can i do? I have photos of everything that he did.
Lost Property: How to Get Property Back and Collect for Damages
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