mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Traffic Accidents: Side Swipe Who is Usually at Fault

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: california
Yesterday my brother was making a u turn and the other driver was also making the u turn and he sideswipe my car. He was driving a tractor truck so it side swipe my Camry 2000 auto. I called the cops but they wouldn't come because it was only a black scratch on my car. The driver did not get my info and I did not get his. I read online that sideswipes are usually 50% responsible for either party and my deductible is $1500. The only info I got from him is his license plate and he has my license plate but nothing more. But I was wondering even if it was sideswipe do i still have any chance of winning the case if I decide to file a claim simply because his truck is bigger than mine or are sideswipes harder to prove and I rather not go thru the hassle. I was wondering since this is over now am I better off just ignoring it and hope it won't happen again.

Traffic Accidents: Side Swipe Who is Usually at Fault

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