Im in las vegas NV. Hi everyone, I really hope you can help. I bought a 2014 ford fiesta from a man, off craigslist. He said he was selling it for his girlfriend, that wasn't there. The Nevada title was clean and signed off, so I bought it and drove home. I went to register the car, and the dmv told me that the title was a counterfeit, with the car info altered, to match the car I purchased. The dmv took the title. After filing a police report, the detective on my case, has too many cases, and has done little to research my case. All he could tell me, is that Bank of America has a lien on the title, and that the car has NOT, been reported stolen. Now i am just sitting here with the car, and don't know what to do. The registered owner is dead. The car is registered in Las vegas, and was last purchased from Enterprise cars sales in Las Vegas. The las vegas, registered owner is deceased. That is all i know about them. For the record, I met the seller in front of the address he gave me, and he came out of the house. I saved the craigslist ad, with his phone number and vin # listed. I also found a different advertisement, for the same car, with different pics, names, and phone number, that was listed a month earlier. The phone I called him on, is out of service. Please let me know all the options, and what I should do. Thanks
Payoff: Bought Car, Counterfeit Title, Has Lien,
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