samedi 22 octobre 2016

Defenses to Eviction: Can I Go After This Guy for Blackmail

I have a big problem and I don't know what to do.

I was renting an apartment to someone (this was 3 years ago) and I won a judgement to collect. The reason I waited until recently to collect was because the lawyer at the time dropped my case. I hired a new lawyer 2 months ago to go after this guy and she filed something called an information subpoena - of course he contacted me to try to settle it I'm angry because I rescued him from being homeless - I have not gotten back to him or told my attorney, here's why

I rented an illegal apartment to him and loaned him some money. I also collect disability from social services for severe depression and since he paid me some money towards his debt in cash I didn't report it to them. I never gave him a receipt for the money he gave me because I didn't want it in writing that
i received money for fear that he may use it against me with DSS. Admittedly I did a couple of stupid things, I was just so infuriated at the time. He's an independent contractor - Three years ago i called one of his clients - and then bragged about it in an email to him. Over the years he sent me several emails on his own "claiming" to want to pay me back but all he needed was the receipt for the money he already paid me...I either ignored him or told him to screw off. ..personally I think he's lying and using this pathetic receipt excuse because he knows I don't want it in writing.

Here's what has me absolutely terrified, when I contacted one of his clients he sent me an email threatening me that if I called another one of his clients again he would report me to the dept of social services and show them the summonses and judgement papers claiming I tried to defraud DSS, I always thought he was bluffing. When he recently contacted me in response to the information subpoena he mentioned he was going to DSS and sent me copies of the court documents to prove he had them. I ignored him (which I regret now)

Today a mutual friend called me and told me he made an status update on his facebook page that he was it a restaurant that's only a half a mile from DSS. He called him and asked about it (he knows about my case) and he did confirm that yes he was there for that reason to inquire about reporting me. The friend who contacted me doesn't live far from there and met him for lunch to try to talk about it, and he didn't say yes or no that he would change his mind. He said he had a ton of proof in emails and texts and even showed him pages of proof with text logs and emails. that he has tried to contact me over the years(technically he did, but i know he was just stalling) This guy also lives in Brooklyn, this proves he's vindictive as he traveled a long way from Brooklyn to Garden City to do this.

If he did go to DSS would they listen to him? could he use the court documents to prove I defrauded DSS? Will they take him seriously? If he did report me, can I go after him for blackmail? I'm terrified every time my doorbell rang today I had to look out the window to make sure it wasnt the authorities. Will they cancel my benefits and/or have me arrested? I also did some research on the information subpoena and found out he could oppose it and have it vacated, could he use the above mentioned proof? Please do not ridicule me for being stupid, as I was writing this email I realized that I was being stubborn. I realize I made a huge mistake sending him those emails, but is there anything I can do to resolve this without me losing my house? Thank you Thank you

P.S. If he did go to DSS and we get this resolved and he did indeed report me to dss - could he call DSS and take back the report? If I tell my lawyer to go after him for being in contempt of court for ignoring the information subpoena can I have him arrested?

Defenses to Eviction: Can I Go After This Guy for Blackmail

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