jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Working With a Lawyer: Should I Push My Layer to Take Some Actions

I was recently unfortunately trapped in a charge of misdemeanor/Domestic assault. I must say I was innocent (I was actually the victim) and I am going to fight in the court to get my reputation back in the following months.

when I was in the Jail, I asked my friend to find a lawyer for me. The lawyer said he would get me out quickly, and get the police report in 2 days. He asked $3000 for the whole case and my friend made the payment.

Thanks to his help, I was quickly bailed out without paying any money.

Just the police report, after 23 days, is not yet available. The lawyer said there are hundreds of hundreds cases to be processed, so it could be late. During the 23 days, we only met once which was at my request. He said we would have enough time to discuss after receiving the police report or after the 1st court hearing, which is the coming Monday.

Since I prepare to go to the trial to clear my name, I think we should collect some evidence as early as possible and the lawyer should help or give some advises. But nothing happened for past 3 weeks.

So my questions are as below.

1. Is it normal to take so long to get the police report?
2. Is $3000 too cheap for such a case? Should I tell the lawyer that I would like to pay more to clear my name?
3. Could I also ask the lawyer to help accuse my wife of domestic assault (I have pictures of scratches and on my arms and bruises on my body)?
4. Should I ask my lawyer to collect some evidence,e.g. the rod my wife used to attack me, testimony from my neighbors and my colleagues showing I am a nice/peaceful man?

Should I just follow the lawyer's advice to wait untill we get the police report, without taking any action? Maybe I am just too impatient and anxious.

Thanks a lot.

Working With a Lawyer: Should I Push My Layer to Take Some Actions

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