dimanche 27 décembre 2015

Drunk and Impaired Driving: Open Intox Ticket Michigan

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Michigan.

My passenger and I both received open intox tickets in Michigan. For some odd reason my passenger was also given a ticket for M.I.P as well. However He is 21 years old.

I'm worried about us going to jail because this is a misdemeanor. We both have to appear in court. My record is clean otherwise so is his. No prior offenses, we hold stable jobs and go to school. How can I approach bargaining?
Is it likely that We will go to jail?
What should I do when I call the court?
How much do you think this ticket will cost?
Does the fact the officer made a mistake give us any leverage?
I'm more concerned of having a charge on our records than anything how long would it stay on the record?

Drunk and Impaired Driving: Open Intox Ticket Michigan

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