dimanche 27 décembre 2015

Speeding Tickets: Received Speeding Ticket on Interstate

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Texas

Today I was driving back with my family from Dallas to New Orleans. The weather was pretty bad on the way and we were going slowly with very poor visibility. About 2 hours outside Dallas, the rain cleared and everybody sped up. I have an Escort Passport radar detector in my car which has served me well. After a few miles, my detector started going off. As soon as that happened I slammed the brakes and brought my speed down to the speed limit. About 3 minutes later a state trooper sped past me with lights on and got behind a group of 4 cars going in front of me. He pulled over the last car in the group while the rest of them sped away.

I then went past the the stopped vehicle and continued at regular speed. About another 3 minutes later my detector started going off again, so I slowed down once more and after another 2 minutes the same trooper was in my rear. He flashed his lights asking me to pull over. He came by my window and first thing he saw was my radar detector. He then said "I got the right car this time". He claimed he clocked me going 100 in a 75 zone but he was not sure which car it was. HE said he pulled over the wrong car but realized that was not the speeding car because he felt the car that was speeding had a detector because it slowed down as soon as he tried to get a reading. I didnt bother arguing because I had an out of state plate and I had a long way to drive.

Also when the trooper asked me to come to his car to write me the ticket, he had a teenager in the front seat who looked like his son. The kid was playing on his iphone and had a can of some sort between his lap. I just found that strange.
So is there any grounds to fight this? The ticket has a bunch of options that I can pick, plead guilty, plead not guilty and go for jury trial, not guilty and waive jury trial, driving school....I have to respond by Jan 15, 2016.

Speeding Tickets: Received Speeding Ticket on Interstate

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