jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Changing an Adult's Name: Which is My Legal Name

My question involves name change laws in the State of: CA

I went by the name Bao A up until I got married. At which point I legally changed my name to Bao B taking my husband's last name. Then, at some point after that, I learned that my birth name was actually Bou A and not Bao A. So my name is Bou A on my birth certificate, and on marriage certificate the name change goes from Bao A to Bao B. Currently, Bao B is the name on my Social Security card and current drivers license and all other usage. I'm not able to get a Passport because of this discrepancy. Which name is my legal name and what is the most cost-effective solution to getting this straightened out? Thanks in advance.

Changing an Adult's Name: Which is My Legal Name

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