mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Speeding Tickets: Speeding Ticket for Driving > 100 MPH, VC 22348B

Hey all,

I'll keep it short and sweet and try to stay away from any irrelevant details:
I'm trying to see if I should even consider getting a lawyer or if I can fight this myself.

I received a speeding ticket in California in the Orange County area on the 91 freeway just before Green River Road (approaching Corona after Fullerton).
The officer was 4 lanes over (I was in the far right lane and he was in the far left lane) and when I looked over his lights were on and he was pointing at me.
When he pulled me over he said "I got you going over a 100mph" to which I replied "I don't think so, can I see the gun?" (I was speeding at 85+ mph... we'll call it 90mph to be generous)
He asked me "How would I get you with a radar gun from 4 lanes over?"
To which I replied, "yeah, well I wasn't going 100 that's for sure"
He asked, "How fast were you going then?"
Not to admit guilt I simply said, "Definitely not over 100."

He wrote me a ticket for 22348B, driving in excess of 100mph with an approximate speed of 101mph

A couple additional notes:
- Things misspelled or incorrect on my ticket: My full name and my license plate
- Road conditions: Dry and sunny
- The portion of the freeway I was driving on was driving on was curved. I was on the inside curvature and he was on the outside. If he had to speed up in excess of 100mph to catch up to me it was likely due to him being 4 lanes over (by his own account) and on an outside curvature on a significantly curved road (think running track, being on the inside versus the outside of the track)

I'm trying to see if I should get a lawyer via the ticket clinic or some other site, or if I should just fight this myself.
My defense would be that I am indeed guilty of a 22349 (driving above 65mph), but not a 22348b (driving above 100mph) while mentioning the above note about curved roads and what have you.
I would say that even if the officer was pacing me or gauging my speed, that without a radar gun there's surely some margin of error.
Even at a 2% margin of error it could be the case that I was under 100mph (he wrote approx 101mph speed with no radar used. 2% error would put me at ~99mph, which would be a 22349).

Brilliant lawyers of the world! What are your thoughts? Can I fight this one myself? Or should I lawyer up? I am a UC college educated graduate with a BS in Economics so... I'm not a genius (as I was speeding in front of a cop), but I'm not the dumbest kid in the world!

Speeding Tickets: Speeding Ticket for Driving > 100 MPH, VC 22348B

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