jeudi 31 mars 2016

Sex Offenses: I Accidentally Accessed Several Child Porn Websites. What Should I Do

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Michigan

Last night, I was just going around the Internet. Somehow, I got redirected to a child porn website. I didn't realize it was child porn until I accidentally pressed a link on the website. That showed a bunch of child porn images. I'm going to be honest; I was curious and looked at a few. Then, I started for about 10 minutes looking at them. I don't know why. I knew it was illegal. I closed the websites feeling really scared. I don't want to get into trouble. I have no idea how I got to them. I was looking at nothing bad in the first place. Will I get arrested for looking accidental at child porn for that long? I know my ISP probably have seen that. What should I do? Will I get arrested? This was all accidental. By the way, I'm only 14. I know that doesn't affect much. I just thought I should throw that in there.

Sex Offenses: I Accidentally Accessed Several Child Porn Websites. What Should I Do

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