mercredi 30 mars 2016

Cleaning and Repairs: Details of a Law Mentioned in Another Forum. Go to Court Tomorrow.

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Illinois

I am going to court tomorrow to face my ex landlord. This was a very rough experience. But I saw something here on these forums. And I would like something to reference this in court. Here is the link to the forum and here is the quote.


Apparently in Illinois, after sending an estimate of deductions and charges against my deposit, they must provide actual receipts for those charges within 30 days. That would be by August 8. If they don't, then by law they forfeit the entire deposit. Should I wait until then to send the demand letter to see if they send me the receipts or send it now and let the chips fall? I'm certain they won't actually be replacing the carpet because it's in good shape and it makes no sense that they would pay $912 to do that. The reason I'm questioning the timing is if I send the demand letter, then it alerts them that I am aware of the law.

I am wanting to to know the state law that claims that they must provide receipts within 30 days He did not provide these and the charges are not true. I cleaned very well when I left and I took pictures.

Also he was saying i was very behind on rent. In his itemized bill. it states that I lived there 1 year. and he is saying I owe for 7.75 months rent. When I moved I lost some receipts. but I have so far been able to locate 5.16 months of rent receipts. hoping I will find the rest. But doing the math. that would state that i owed him and or paid him for almost 13 months.

I am hoping this will at least prove to the court that his record keeping is flawed an he is trying to charge me for things I dont owe. Any advice on how to pursue this would be appreciated. and as I said I go to court tomorrow at 1pm central time. so I hope someone is on here at this

Cleaning and Repairs: Details of a Law Mentioned in Another Forum. Go to Court Tomorrow.

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