mardi 29 mars 2016

Other Injuries: Pis Won't Consider My Case

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: Michigan

3 years ago I was assaulted in the groin by an ex-girlfriend out of spite for a stupid remark that I made. The injury was severe enough that it caused a permanent canalope-sized inflammation known as a hydrocele, which required a $20,000 surgery to correct. I still sustain periodic pain from the surgery, I may be infertile, and the scar is disfiguring and embarrassing.

This same girl, one month after the assault, also accused me of a number of serious drug crimes, the majority of which I was acquitted of, and I only sustained a misdemeanor harassment conviction. She now has a restraining order on me. I attempted to report the assault to police when I was in the clear after my prosecution, but they would not take a police report despite the evidence that I had and witness statements. They accused me of seeking revenge.

I have consulted 3 attorneys now about the matter of a civil lawsuit to recoup damages from the expense of the surgery. The lawyers either fail to return my inquiry, or again, accuse me of seeking revenge.

Is there any way for me to reconcile this issue through the legal system? Or am I informally barred from legal recourse due to the fact that my attacker was also my accuser? I'm confused about what is going on here, no one will explain the jurisprudence regarding this situation.

Other Injuries: Pis Won't Consider My Case

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