jeudi 31 mars 2016

Modification of Custody: Dad Filed for Custody

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: IL

My daughter is 14, dad and I seperated in 2008. She's going through emotional phases of wanting to go live with him and wanting to stay with me. I was in a toxic relationship for several years which had its affects on my daughter and had a son during that time that she was jealous of. Dad has since filed papers for custody. His grounds in his petition are that I have 3 kids by 3 different fathers, I did not allow my daughter to attend his wedding, that he never gave me a date for, that I told my daughter to tell his girlfriend at the time now wife, to **** off if she said anything to her, she isn't involved in activities, mind you she plays softball, cross country and is on 2 separate basketball teams, shes self conscious about her weight and is over weight, which is a lie, food is scarce in my house, which is why she must be over weight, I let her miss school for leisure activities, and I dont advise him when we are planning trips out of town or give him the option of staying w her when I go out of town, which is a lie as well. Oh and the best one was that during one of my daughters counseling sessions I had threatened to beat the wife's ass if she showed up to my daughters basketball game and the counselor had to correct my behavior, which is another lie.

We've done the mediation, at which point my daughter told dad see no longer wanted to go with him. she has since been appointed a child representative of her own. Dad's wife has talked her Into wanting to go over there again Along with filling daughters head with lies about me. Shes also coerced conversations out of my daughter and then turns what she says into lies when she talks to dad about what daughter says.

Overall my daughter and I have a great relationship so I really believe it's the wife manipulating my daughter into this whole situation. Shes jealous, and sees me as threat to their relationship and wants to remove any communication me and my ex have with each other. Getting my daughter over there is the only way she can accomplish that. She's constantly bashing me on social media saying i should be sterilized, how I'm on welfare, i only have kids to collect child support and that's not even half of it. She's mean and spiteful and does not support a positive relationship between any of us muchless support any type of positive coparenting between me and dad.

Like realistically, are these any grounds for him to be awarded custody of my daughter especially when it's all lies?

Modification of Custody: Dad Filed for Custody

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