mardi 29 mars 2016

Modification of Support: Does Remarriage Affect Child Support

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Pennsylvania

I have recently moved in with my boyfriend of 5 years into an apartment. My question however is that we are discussing taking the plunge and getting married however I am concerned about what it may do to my child support. I have a job and my boyfriend makes $50k. We're by no means poor but not rich either when you combine our incomes. My Ex makes about $55k a year and is remarried with 3 other children. Our order has been in place for nearly 4 years with no issue and no amendments. However, my concern is that if/when we get married, my ex will file to reduce the support accounting for my boyfriends income when really my daughter financially isn't his responsibility. Just curious if anyone knows PENNSYLVANIA rules regarding the Custodial Parent remarrying. Thank you.

Modification of Support: Does Remarriage Affect Child Support

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