jeudi 27 août 2015

Sex Offenses: What to Do to Get Off Sex Offender Registry

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Michigan

Hello, I was convicted of attempted rape in the 2nd degree in Oregon. Case was based off a internet sting operation run by various law enforcement agencies and the local news. I was convicted in Feb 2007, sentenced to 70 days in jail and did 3 years of probation. I completed all treatment programs, passed a polygraph, and underwent a risk assessment putting me at a Level 1 sex offender. The crime is a Class C Felony, and was told I could get off the sex offender registry after 10 years. Now, I have recently moved to Michigan, and upon registering here, I was classified as a Tier III sex offender, with lifetime registration, and required to report 4 times a year. Now, the question is do I have to go back to the convicting state to get off the registry or do I have to fight it here in Michigan?

Sex Offenses: What to Do to Get Off Sex Offender Registry

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