My question involves civil rights in the State of: Washington & all of thee other states as well in The U.S.- (short version of my question continued) & The Bill Of Rights, Thee Amendments, & The Declaration Of Independence & other like articles; that more or less the courts of limited jurisdiction as well as many other courts here in The States NEVER ACKNOWLEDGE NOR DO THEY ADHERE TO MUCH OF ANYTHING THAT IS SCRIBED IN THOSE WRITINGS? (without copying & pasting thee actual words of any of those said articles) In short, those scribed writings CLEARLY STATE things such as, as far as the laws of the land are concerned when questioning certain protections of the peoples say things similar in nature to "No Code, Codes, Revisions of The Codes, Including all Statutes, and/or any such things that are done and/or said to be true & carried out at the hands of & by any legislator as to imply or straight out say & make attempts to make those things mentioned; The Law and/or Laws Shall Not Be! Code, or codes, whether they be revised codes, statute, statutes, etc, SHALL NOT & CAN NOT TRUMP Any of The DECLARATIONS, Articles of A State's Constitution, The U.S. Constitution, Bill Of Rights, & Amendments, & Civil Rights, etc, & Therefore Those Codes, etc, Shall Never Claim Victory Over LAW or THE LAWS as written & promised by Our Forefathers! Yet everyday for many of moons we see the blatant disregard to the peoples, to the law, to the laws, to Our Civil Rights, The D of I, The Bill of Rights, etc! CAN ANYONE TELL ME EXACTLY WHY & HOW THIS OCCURS & CONTINUES TO OCCUR?
Civil Rights Issues: How Come It is That the U.S. Constitution As Wells As a State's Constitution and
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