mercredi 26 août 2015

Traffic Accidents: I Am Being Sued Because of an Incorrect Police Report

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: Louisiana

I was rear-ended in an accident. It was a 5 car accident, I was in the very front so I didn't hit anyone. But the police report says I was rear ended, and then I hit the car in front of me causing him to lose control and hit a tree. There was a car that did hit a tree, but that was two cars behind me! I am now being sued by the driver who hit the tree because of the incorrect police report.

I spoke with the Police department and they said there was nothing they could do. I have pictures of the damages to my car, showing the front of my car was untouched.

I contacted my insurance and they provided me a defense attorney.

My question is, will the pictures of my car showing there was no damage to the front, be enough in this case? The pictures were taken by the insurance rep from the insurance company of the person who rear ended me.


Traffic Accidents: I Am Being Sued Because of an Incorrect Police Report

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