mercredi 24 janvier 2018

Protective Services: Law on Drugtesting Newborn in Miami Dade

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: Florida. I need to know if drug testing newborns is mandatory in Miami Dade county? Or only if mother tests positive or if anything seems suspicious for doctor in terms of abuse? In what cases are they tested for drugs? What happens if it comes out positive for cannabis? Is it as bad as with other more serious drugs? What are the immediate repercussions? I am worried, I live in Panama and will give birth in FL. We are normal responsible parents but my husband smokes weed for anxiety and so do I now and then. I do not want CPS to take my baby. Will be in the US only about two or three weeks after giving birth. Could easily host a CPS visit to were I will be staying during that time so social worker can make sure my baby is loved and weel taken care of, but will that be all? It's confusing since law changes from county to county.

Protective Services: Law on Drugtesting Newborn in Miami Dade

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