vendredi 26 janvier 2018

Speeding Tickets: First Time Getting a Speeding Ticket Last Night and Need Help Formulating a Defense

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: CA in long beach

Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could help me fight this ticket I got and maybe get some information about what to do.

Last night I was driving at around 12 a.m. and I was pulled over for speeding.

On the state California Department of Highway Patrol notice of appeal I was given two different codes and sections one is speeding 22349 (a) VC speeding secondly I got another one 16028 a VC no proof of insurance. On the second violation I can fix due to the fact that I have insurance just not on me at the time. However on the speeding it does not show how he was able to figure out the speed I was going in. the fact that he did not use radar or lidar or even was pacing me I was in back of him at the time is what makes it hard for me to understand. He then slows down and pulls in back of me at this time I'm going 60 and less, then he pulls me over saying that I was speeding. Is there anything I can tell the prosecutor or the judge that will help me win? For example, like he was not able to get an accurate reading just on his opinion and his observation. Keep in mind I was in back of him the whole time until he pulled me over.

Speeding Tickets: First Time Getting a Speeding Ticket Last Night and Need Help Formulating a Defense

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