mercredi 24 janvier 2018

Criminal Records: Will an Minor in Consumption Charge Show Up on My Record

My question involves criminal records for the state of: Texas.

I was recently charged with an Minor In Consumption and was given a citation. There was no arrest or anything, just a ticket. As I am applying for medical school in the future, I understand that they will be doing very thorough background checks. I am not 21 yet obviously, and I have been given the date that I have to show up by. I have never been charged with anything else, and I am worried that this will completely unravel everything I have worked for.

The situation is basically as follows:
A friend of mine and I were at a party, where I had a little too much to drink. My friend, who was completely clean and sober, drove us both back to his dorm room, where I began throwing up. I guess I was really loud, because someone (probably a student in a nearby room) called the campus police to make sure that everything was fine. My friend let them in, and they saw me throwing up. There was no alcohol or anything open in the room, but I got the citation, probably because they could smell it on my breath. I have been doing some research on this and found that I could do something called a "deferred disposition," which would essentially dismiss the case. My main question is: will this still show up on my record? If so, how do I go about removing it, or will it remove itself automatically?

Thank you all very much for your time.

Criminal Records: Will an Minor in Consumption Charge Show Up on My Record

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