mardi 25 juillet 2017

Protective Services: Grounds for Being Charged with Failure to Protect

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: california. my husband was recently arrested for battery on myself and my 17 year old son ( he tried to help me throw him out of the house when he became aggressive) our 2 youngest children were in the back bedroom . my husband was arrested and is currently in jail. the next day i filed for a restraining order. one day later i came home to a card from a social worker on my door. it has now been 5 days since the card was left by cps. i have made many atempts to reach her and left many messages. the only response i got back was from her clerk this morning saying she was going to just stop by again. after doing some research on google as to what to expect all i can gather is that she may want to take my children for failure to protect . could this happen ? what are the grounds for that?

Protective Services: Grounds for Being Charged with Failure to Protect

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