vendredi 28 juillet 2017

Legal Research: Introductory Books to the U.S. Legal System

Good day,

I am a law practitioner in Romania, and I would very much enjoy to start reading about the U.S. Legal System.

I thought that a good place to start would be a book on the general theory of law, so that I could understand the principles, the judicial system, important institutions in private and public law.

My area of practice is Civil Law, so if you could recommend a (university) book on the general theory of civil law, I would be very grateful.

I'm not familiar with how courses are structured in the U.S., so, for example, a general theory of civil law course at Romanian Universities contains information such as principles, source of law, a short introduction to the judicial system, definitions of general concepts such as civil rights and obligations, and a short trip throughout all civil institutions - persons, obligations, contracts, successions.

Of course, introduction in criminal law books are welcome.

I am open for any suggestions. If the authors are well-known, the better.

Thank you!

Best wishes,

Legal Research: Introductory Books to the U.S. Legal System

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