lundi 31 juillet 2017

Rental Agreements: Can My Roommate Sue Me if Im Not on the Lease

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of Oregon.
So basically my friend and I got a place together. I am not on the lease it is him and his dad. We didn't workout as roommates so I decided it would be best to leave. And they agreed. However, his father paid to move in cost, firsts months rent, deposit, etc. We talked about me paying him back. There was no time table given or the amount that I was supposed to pay back. In others words, there was no solidified agreement on the terms. The only thing I agree to was paying half the bills, Which I did. We lasted two months. One month's rent was covered in the move in cost because the landlord required the first-month rent to move in. I paid my half of the second month's rent. About midway through the second month, we decided it would be best to part ways. I was promptly moved out on the 28th of the second month. My roommate is now threating to sue me for half the move in cost. Which is roighly 2,000, again the price I was to owe was never discussed. Also, they will receive a huge chunk if not all that money back at the end of the lease when they get their deposits back. I was just curious if that has any ground to stand in court?

Rental Agreements: Can My Roommate Sue Me if Im Not on the Lease

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