lundi 31 juillet 2017

Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosed While Having Inguinal Hernia

My question involves malpractice in the state of: Tennessee

My question involves malpractice in the state of: Tennessee

Do I have a case to sue for being misdiagnosed? Toward end of January 2017, I went to the ER cause I had urine retention pain and discomfort. There I was told my urine came back normal, and I probably had prostatitis. I was given two weeks of antibiotics. Two weeks later same problem with the same pain. I made appointment for urologist.

Urologist did urine test,ultra sound and the so called digital exam. Urine normal, ultrasound showed my bladder didn't empty, had 5 oz of urine left. Prostate was normal. I told him of the visit to ER and what they said. I let him know of a hernia surgery I had as a child. He said basically same thing that the ER doctor told me. Prostatitis and antibiotics needed little more time. Rescheduled to come back in month. Week later, I had another day where I couldn't urinate at all. I went back to the ER. It took me 7 hours just to get enough pee out for urine test. Well I once I got urine sample it was normal. So I told him about the pain, discomfort and how I can't urinate. So I get a digital exam from him. Prostate fine. So then I get told it's prostatitis again. So I get a shot of antibiotics and sent home with a scrip for a month of strong antibiotics.

I go back to urologist, urine normal, ultrasound showed I empty most of my bladder. I told him about going back to ER. Describe the pain and discomfort again. I told him that the pain is always there. That the level of pain varies. But it is constant and more of annoyance. And any time I drink something I feel like I need to urinate, pressure of a full bladder. So now he says I have pelvic floor dysfunction and makes me appointment for PT, sent me home with some flomax, rescheduled 3 month.

3 months later I still have the same problem, can't urinate without sitting down, constant pain, discomfort. Even my bowel movements have been rough. I go back to urologist, urine clean and he basically tells me nothing he can do. That I have a back problem that is causing all of this. So I asked him, if he can get me a MRI and he said he wouldn't know what to look for if he did. So I told him again of the pain, discomfort and location of it being in same area of the hernia surgery scar from when I was a kid. So he checked me for hernia again and can't fill anything. So I asked about CT scan. He say, Well I can order one if you want. I told him yes, that way it can rule out the need for urologist. So CT scan order, had to wait a month for it.

So today I get my results! Inguinal hernia. Appointment made to see a surgeon. So I'm happy to know what's wrong with me. But I'm also mad at the same time.

This started in January! 6 1/2 months give or take a few days. I have been absolutely miserable. So many days I couldn't urinate at all. When I can, I have to sit down on the toilet for long periods of time just to urinate. Pain worsen every time I drink something. My sex life has been pretty much nonexistent. Days I have though of taking my own life. I have idiopathic hypersomnia, insomnia, sleep apnea, and major depression. So my health has been crap for good while, then the start of this year, I get this problem to add on my list. Which has been the topping of the cake. If you haven't had urine retention, I can tell you it's no picnic.

So all these months ER gets it wrong twice, urologist gets it wrong, and all it took to find the problem was a 10 min CT scan that should have been done months ago. Urologist specializes in this type of problem, had I not asked for a scan on my last visit, my impression was he was done, you got back problem and need see a specialist for your back.

So anyway, thats the story. Do you think I have a case for malpractice for pain and suffering I have dealt with this year cause of the urologist neglecting to do a CT scan, after all the repeated times of my pain and discomfort?

Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosed While Having Inguinal Hernia

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