samedi 29 juillet 2017

Rental Agreements: Can I Sue My Ex-Roommate for Moving Out Before the Lease Ends

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: California

So, my situation is that myself, my boyfriend, and my ex-roommate all decided to move into a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment and all signed the lease. Our lease was a 12 month lease that started in November of 2016 and will end November 2017. My ex roommate moved out in July and does not plan on paying rent for the remainder of the lease. I did speak to my apartment complex about her moving out and asked if I could ADD someone onto the lease not removing my ex roommate from the lease still holding her liable. They did approve and we did add someone onto the lease but again not removing my ex roommate from the lease. I want to know if even though I did add another person on to the lease to help pay rent, if a judge in small claims would still take my side in suing my ex roommate for leaving before the lease was up, considering the fact that she signed a lease stating she would pay rent for the whole 12 months of the lease. If it is possible for me to win this case what evidence should I bring to the court hearing? Just for clarification I nor did my boyfriend sign anything releasing her from any responsibility of the lease.

Rental Agreements: Can I Sue My Ex-Roommate for Moving Out Before the Lease Ends

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