mardi 2 août 2016

Modification of Support: Do I Have to Provide Taxes

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: VA

I recently started a new job. Just as I started this new job, my ex requested a modification of support based on the face that we no longer use daycare for the kids. He also thinks that I took the new job with a pay increase, when in fact, there was a decrease. The attorney for my ex is asking for my tax returns for the last 2+ years. The attorney uses language such as, "It would be appreciated" and, "If you don't mind" when requesting them. The attorney has never said these items are required, or informed me that this is something that would be subpoenaed if I didn't provide them. The attorney's language makes me think he doesn't necessarily need it, and frankly, being that he is representing my ex, I don't trust him.

I provided the attorney recent pay stubs from my new job, as well as insurance costs for the kids. The attorney continues to ask for tax info.

From what I understand, it's pretty cut and dry in the state of VA - CS is based on the following factors: Gross monthly income of both parents, insurance and daycare costs, and if there is another child from another person, those support costs (there is no other children in our case). Right? Or wrong?

So my question is: Do I have to give the attorney anything beyond what I have provided?
Would I be in trouble in some legal way if I didn't give the attorney my taxes?

I don't understand how my income in past years has anything to do with what I currently bring home. The attorney says it "assesses trends" in the court. Huh?

Once the order is in place, I am certain it will be reduced. Will there be "back pay" that I will be required to pay, or this enforced as of the date the court makes the ruling?


Modification of Support: Do I Have to Provide Taxes

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