lundi 29 août 2016

Financial Exploitation: Social Security/Oig Audit for Suspected Fraud - Please Help Me with This

Does anyone have any experience with OIG audits for suspected fraud?

A little background information

I am currently on disability and have been for 6 years now. I am in the process of getting a divorce and when I started to receive benefits I made my wife the payee for my daughter’s benefits without ever being told what the repercussions would be or that it’s next to impossible to change it back to myself.

At that time the money was being direct-deposited into our joint account and I could purchase food and a few items needed for my daughter. Since then, she filed for divorce and within days she switched the direct deposit to go into an account with only her name on it. I no longer have access to care for my daughter in any way outside of using my own SS to support us both. We are separated and I’ve had my daughter about 60% of the time and we have rotated a week on and a week off with my daughter for six months now. She refuses to help me with food or anything for my daughter's care so I’ve had to resort to going to food pantries so I can eat and feed my daughter. I made a good living in my lifetime of earnings and she is getting $1,130 a month for my daughter’s care and she is using a good portion of it to pay her own bills unrelated to my daughter's care.

She has a huge credit card debt and she charges most items for my daughter rather than pay for her care outright even though she gets the Social Security money directly deposited into her account. So by doing this she is adding credit card fees and interest to the money that is supposed to be used for my daughter's care. I’ve asked my wife to help me during the weeks I have my daughter and she told me to go to hell.

I’ve asked Social Security Administration to change the payee back to me as I receive my own and manage my own money I receive and told them why and the fact that she was behind on bills for my daughter's care and I didn't think she was spending the money appropriately. The first time they told me they really don’t care where the money is being spent as long as the child is not being neglected and proceeded to give me these examples i.e. starved to death, has medical care and a roof over her head the rest they said they don’t care about.

They also told me they don’t like to get involved with issues like this until the divorce is final and the judge awards custody to one of us and whoever has custody will receive the money. In Illinois it can take up to two years to get a divorce if the parties cannot agree then at two years the judge will make a ruling on custody matters.

However, currently my daughter is doing without proper clothing such as shorts and decent shoes and my wife buys very minimal groceries for her and nothing healthy. As her debt continues to grow higher and higher she’s spending less and less money on my daughter due to not being able to pay her bills and using my daughter's money to pay the debt she's racking up by using credit cards.
So I have the following questions…

1. Do I have the right to insist on seeing a report on where my daughters SS money is being spent?
* I asked the SS administration for copies of where she claims to be spending the money from the yearly report she submits for this and they told me they didn’t even know if they kept those documents much less be able to get them to me.

2. Is it acceptable that she mixes the money from SS with her own and doesn’t use that money directly for my daughter’s care but rather puts things on credit cards often buying herself clothes at the same time and only buying minimal things for my daughter?
* I don’t believe that a 14 year old girl needs to have $650 spent on her for clothes in a matter of 11 days not to mention that she’s incurring the interest and credit card fees that’s coming out of my daughter’s money as well.
3. What recourse do I have to fix this issue?
o SS administration told me they can’t force her to give me a penny of that money and she’s not going to unless someone forces her. It doesn’t seem fair that I’ve worked my entire life for those benefits and earned $250,000 more during our marriage and she can just tell me to go to hell while my daughter does without.
4. I think my last recourse is to submit a fraud report through OIG and have them investigate. But will they actually even do and audit and ask for receipts and how and where she spends the money? Or will it be like my other experiences with the SS administration?

Financial Exploitation: Social Security/Oig Audit for Suspected Fraud - Please Help Me with This

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