mardi 1 septembre 2015

Towing: Illegal Tow, and Unlawful Authorized by Police

Hello, I have been searching for an answer all over Google and can't find anything. I was in a motorcycle accident in Oakland CA. On the freeway. I was with a group of motorcycles that I have barley met Through a friend who was also involved in the accident. We were taken to the hospital by ambulance. I was under the impression my bike would be towed to a local tow yard which would be completely reasonable. When released from the hospital I find out the for some reason the California highway patrol authorized another person to remove my motorcycle from the scene and it was towed all the way back to Fresno CA. I contacted the A&G tow company who took my motorcycle and they are charging me $180 plus $3 a Mile for towing around 200 miles. I found that one of the other guys involved in the crash worked for A&G towing and had his friend come up to tow the bikes back to fresno with a truck and trailer. I never gave permission for the company to take my bike, I was in the hospital and I wouldn't mind paying the local towing companies fee for taking it to a tow yard. But I would never have a tow company take my vehicle that far. I have AAA so if needed it would have been free from the tow yard .

So basically my questions are how can the CHP authorized someone else to take my bike instead of taking it to a local tow yard?

am I stuck paying this guy's fee, or should I just report my vehicle stolen? As I was not able to give permission or didn't sign anything.

Also I went to local chp office today I picked up the first page of report. And it states deposition of vehicles was towed by private party and that I said it was ok.... how can I agree to somthing when I'm in the hospital and not even there? That's like me stopping at another person's accident and telling the police I will tow it for them... i don't know these people how does anyone have the right to make those decisions over someone else's property? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the highway patrol had the authority to tow a vehicle impeding traffic to a local tow yard, not to allow someone else to handle it with ought the owners consent.

Towing: Illegal Tow, and Unlawful Authorized by Police

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