My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Arkansas.My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Arkansas. I am aware that as a Step parent I have no legal rights and am not trying to change that. I have been involved in my sc life since they were in Kindergarten and we have formed a close bond. I have other children who are close in age with my sc and they hit it off quite well. A problem arose when birth parent decided he/she had a problem with me and became verbally disrespectful to myself and my children. He/She would tell my sc that I am neither his /her parent nor my children of any relation to him/her. At first this caused confusion when my sc returned home (lives with us) and it took a while for my sc to warm back up to our other children. Now my sc comes home and immediately settles in but has expressed he/she like seeing birth parent but does not like the fact that birth parent interrupts any social or extracurricular activities by not allowing him\her to attend on the days he/she has practices. Birth parent states his/her time with the child is his/her time and does not have to take the child anywhere. I understand it is his/her time, but is the childs social life, extracurricular activities, and educational activities not important for the well rounding of the child? Birth parent also has child on his/her birthday and will not allow anyone from our family to attend any festivities. I understand that the birth parent does not have to allow such visitation, but my sc ends up celebrating his/her birthday with birth parents friends. Birth parent does not know nor have a relationship with childs friends therefore neglecting child of having a party or any activities with friends. Birth parent does not support or condone my sc's relationship with anyone other than with the other birth parent. My job allows me to spend plenty of time with the children and my sc notices that birth parent does not spend much quality time with him/her. My sc has come to me with many issues some involving mom and I encourage him/her to not be afraid to talk to mom. My sc is very withdrawn and goes with the flow of whatever mom says and does and keeps feelings and opinions to him/her. I do not want my sc resenting birth parent because he/she feels things are not right and she seems to draw more towards our household. Other birth parent has tried to talk to birth dad/mom and it was not well received. I care dearly for my sc and to see him/her hurting and wanting to speak to a counselor and be able to have a social life and be he/she regardless of whim home he/she is in, is tearing me up. What can we do? Legally Birth parent has every other weekend and one day (day varies and is not constant) out of the week and entire summer. My sc feels so left out of family trips and other activities. We try to plan family trips and activities when he/she is present, but it doesnt always work out that way. I constantly inform her that birth parent cares and loves him/her and different doesnt mean wrong. My sc then responds how birth parent doesnt have time for him/her and seems to have time for his/her friends. We then explain how it is very important that he/she have an open relationship with birth parent by communication. Sorry if I am rambling and hope this all makes sense. Do you have any help or legal advice? We want the best for all our children and although blended families may be a difficult adjustment, we are willing to put in the right work for the overall wellbeing of our children.
Custody and Visitation Issues: Step Parent Going Through It
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