mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Division of Assets: Does Filing Taxes Singly or Jointly Affect Your Spouse's Rights to Your Income

My question involves a marriage in the state of: New York
My son can save a very significant amount in tax owed if he files as MFJ instead of MFS for 2014. His income (all from his brokerage account) is significant, she has little or no income. All the income stayed in the brokerage account. Nothing was withdrawn or added to the account since before the marriage.

There is a possibility of a divorce coming. It would be simple, uncontested. Married less than a year (got married near the end of 2014), no children no other assets.

Would filing MFJ instead of MFS entitle his wife to part of that income?

Division of Assets: Does Filing Taxes Singly or Jointly Affect Your Spouse's Rights to Your Income

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