samedi 26 septembre 2015

Grandparents and Third Parties: Biological Paternal Grandparents/ Non- Biological Maternal Grandparents

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Arkansas

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Our daughter in law has ran off with our sons biological daughter several times without allowing him any contact until she was ready. She has filed for divorce twice. Reconciling both times.. now she filed for sole custody so our son( which is total caregiver to their child got attorney took. She failed urine/ hair follicle for numerous substances and he passed urine, found trace of marijuana in hair follicle. Now since he has the upper hand she wants him back again, telling him the state is going to get the child. She wants him to drop his contesting for sole custody, so she can run away with her again. He believes her lies. She keeps the child away from us anytime things do not go her way. Buy we have had the child 30 days at a time, 2 weeks at a time, and days at a time. Now she says we will never see her again. Is there anything we can do to keep contact with no our sweet grandchild? The adoptive grandparents have her all if the time. They are divorced and still have more rights to herbthan us Help!

Grandparents and Third Parties: Biological Paternal Grandparents/ Non- Biological Maternal Grandparents

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