samedi 26 septembre 2015

Drunk and Impaired Driving: What Am I Up Against

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Illiniois

The other night, I went out with a co-worker after work, for dinner, and we had a few glasses of wine. While driving home, I was stopped for speeding over the posted limit. The officer took my license and registration, and asked me if I had anything to drink. I was honest, and said I had some wine with dinner. He asked me to submit to a breathalyzer, and I politely refused. He asked me to get out of my vehicle, and placed me in the back seat of the patrol car. Again, asking me to blow, and again, i refused.

They had my vehicle towed to my home. From there, they escorted me to the police station. I stayed in the patrol car, the officer went inside, grabbed some papers, and returned to the vehicle. He wrote me for speeding, improper lane change, and driving under the influence. I have a paper that states about the warning about refusing the tests, signed by the officer, and a "bond" paper, stating bond was 3,000, and released on my own recognizance. From there, he drove me to my home.

I was not processed, or placed under arrest. I was very shaken up, and he told me not to worry, and that he "wouldnt show up in court". I do plan to find an attorney asap, but would like to know what I am up against. The procedure seemed to be a bit unorthodox from what I read online. I have never had this happen to me. Learned a valuable lesson, and really now freaking out about not being able to drive, the costs involved, etc. Thanks for any insight. :(

Drunk and Impaired Driving: What Am I Up Against

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