samedi 9 juin 2018

Trespassing: Can I Be Trespassed from a Publicly Accessible Road

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Minnesota

Can the St. Louis Sheriff's office trespass me from a road that is marked P.R.o.W (Right of Way) on the county assessors map?

I was taking picture and video while walking down Abrahamson Rd in Saginaw, MN. I was approached by a guard who claimed I was on private property. I politely disagreed and continued on my way. The Sheriffs responded when I was in the process of leaving the area. I was detained without PC or even RAS, in my opinion, and then was told I was being trespassed.

I believe that I was Illegally detained for an unreasonable amount of time, That my 1st, 4th, and 5th and possibly 6th amendment protected rights were violated. (not for the first time)

I am including links to videos I have posted and would really love a civil right attorney's opinion on what I am doing and the Legality of my interaction with LEO's.

link to NERCC interaction:
link to UMD police interaction:

Do I have legal recourse for either of these incidents?

any Advice, opinions, or comments would be appreciated.

Thank you
Good Citizen of the North

Trespassing: Can I Be Trespassed from a Publicly Accessible Road

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