jeudi 27 avril 2017

Title Ownership: Vehicle is in Bith Names

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of:pa and it is me and my ex girlfriends name as we have had a very bad breakup and she has stolen vehicle from me and both sets of keys and i had canceled insurance on it april first but she has no.license and now no insurance and continues to drink and drive as she has two former dui s on her driving record and cracked up three cars last year alone in 12 weeks -- can i call and cancel registration on car without her knowing -- im lost here as if she goes out and kills someone im screwed and i have a CDL LICENSE and dont want her to ruin my license ?? What to do as im in huge trouble here

Daniel Durkin

Ps she has left me homeless and with none of my stuff so im screwed again and she wont even speak to me

Title Ownership: Vehicle is in Bith Names

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