jeudi 27 avril 2017

Establishing an Order: What to File

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: FLORIDA

My Ex-wife and I have a custody hearing in the next month to decide who will gain primary custody of our son.

I have had him over the past year and the years before that I had him 80% of the time even though she was the primary parent according to the court.

Over the past few months when my son talks to his mom on the phone, all she does is try to force him to talk to the judge at the final hearing, tries to tell him what he needs to say and how to act, etc. In addition to this, when he visits her for her timesharing weekends, all she does is bribe him with toys, gifts, etc.

What can I do to stop this!? What can I file against her to show the Judge how crazy she is and how she is mentally messing with our son?

Establishing an Order: What to File

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