lundi 25 avril 2016

Child Abuse: 17 and Abused and Neglected by Parents

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: Kentucky
I am 17 and emotionally and sometimes physically abused by my parents. I get blamed by them for things I have no control over and they take out the rage and anger on me and always find the words to hurt me the most and physically hurt me only to the point where it is not noticeable. They constantly emotionally break me down and throw me into corners and know very well how to cover up anything that happens. My grandparents have their arms open if I need a place to go and I want to be with them. But I am scared for my life if I try to leave. Is there a way I can leagally leave and live with my grandparents? Without having to stay here while I do it? They will take custody but my parents won't let them have it willingly because of the check I get that they want and just waste on my other siblings and they make my grandparents pay for everything for me. They won't even buy me stuff for school my grandparents have too. And when my mom thinks I'm fat she won't even let me eat.

Child Abuse: 17 and Abused and Neglected by Parents

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