mercredi 27 avril 2016

Custody and Visitation Issues: Noncustodial Parent Refuses to Allow a 1 Time Visit Change

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: CA.

I have full legal and physical custody of my 1 year old daughter. She sees her father 1 over night and 1 weekday a week. In the past I have allowed him to cancel or reschedule visits to meet his work requirements. Please bare in mind, He is ordered to pay 650 a month in support but I have never got a penny. I do have a TRO and a CPO and my daughter is also protected except it allows brief and peaceful contact for visits.

I have an import meeting in regards to housing coming up. I did ask him 3 weeks ago to reschedule that day. My lawyer has also asked. I told him it's none of his business why. He said something stupid along the lines of not letting me cancel for a movie. I have no idea where he gets that from. Since I left I have not made any friends. I am not dating. I do not go "out". I am too busy being a mother to have a social life as well as being almost 40.

At this point I intend to go to my meeting and she will miss her visit. He was given plenty of notice. I can not miss this. It falls during the time I need to pick her up. He is unwilling to work with me.

What can happen to me legally if I withhold this visit. We missed one previously because of an illness with a Dr note and he sent the police for a welfare check. They said he was in the wrong. They could see she was Ill and the CPO at the time did not allow for visit while the TRO did . it's been revised now. On another occasion I needed him to take her for a week because I had Pneumonia and I still maintained the original visit. I did not say you can't have her this weekend because you had her all week or any other childish behaviour.

I also have not brought that up because it is irrelevant to needing to reschedule. But he would if the tables were turned. He has already been harrasing me legally anyway he can. I have frequent CPS visits because he is always calling. They have yet to open a case. They are not concerned! He sends the police weekly for welfare checks. He doesn't pay child support. He keeps whatever clothing I send her over in. He refuses to give her medication. He fights me on vaccines but I do them anyway. He's been told many times he is not to have a 3rd party present during exchanges of my daughter because it's in her best interest but he has a 3rd party there everttime. The judge specifically said any 3rd party is to wait in his car. They never wait in the car and approach my daughter directly.

I just want t to be sure I will not lose custody of she misses the next day time visit.

Custody and Visitation Issues: Noncustodial Parent Refuses to Allow a 1 Time Visit Change

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