mercredi 27 avril 2016

Removal (Deportation) and Reentry: 212(A)(7)(A)(I)(I) Admission Withdrawn

My Dad's GF came to the U.S. to visit him and when they called him to verify that it was just a visit he panicked and told them that he was going to marry her and Detroit stamped her Visa (B1/B2) as as "Withdrawn" and she was returned to the Philippines. Obviously it looked like she was lying and it's understandable why it happened. Is there a way to get her to visit the U.S. (with a different/same) or is it not impossible (or is there a set amount of time to wait for reapplying?)? Her form said it was from section 212 (a)(7)(A)(i)(I) which makes sense.

Thanks for any help, I'm not knowledgeable about any of this stuff.:confused:

Removal (Deportation) and Reentry: 212(A)(7)(A)(I)(I) Admission Withdrawn

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