jeudi 28 avril 2016

Manslaughter: Manslaughter or Conspiracy

My question involves criminal law for the state of: South Dakota.
I am trying to find the name of the crime in the following hypothetical case. Please tell me what crime(s) have been committed.

Let's assume that some adult conspirators want to hatch a plan to get a homeowner charged with manslaughter. The adults find a handy juvenile delinquent who can be browbeat into doing an auto theft and vandalism by threatening to have them charged with additional crimes that the adults have knowledge of, or simply bribe the juvenile with cash.
It is not the goal of the adults to get the juvenile killed, but it will be the natural and inevitable result when the scenario plays out. The juvenile is not expecting to be killed, and knowing nothing about the complete plan, agrees to go along with it.
The juvenile is offered a car to “steal”, and ordered to drive the car in a violent and destructive manner up a homeowners driveway, and onto the homeowners lawn, turning cookies on the lawn and tearing up the sod. It is night, and the homeowner cannot see who is in the car, and in attempting to apprehend what he thinks might be a car full of men, is blinded by the headlights. The juvenile driver, now terrified, attempts to run down the homeowner with their car. The homeowner unloads a round of double ought buckshot through the drivers side windshield. The juvenile is killed.

What is the exact name of the crime the adults have committed. They were nowhere near the killing when it took place, but certainly they have committed some kind of crime.

Manslaughter: Manslaughter or Conspiracy

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