jeudi 28 avril 2016

Medical Malpractice: Neurologist Negligence Misdiagnosing Brain Cancer for a Sciatic Nerve

My question involves malpractice in the state of: Georgia

Two months ago my mother started feeling left sided weakness in her leg. Her physician sent her to a neurologist who over the course of two months went from she had a stroke, to she had damage to her peroneal nerve, to her sciatic nerve and back. Not once over those two months did he do a brain scan. He did two mri's both of which were of the spine or lower. The weakness continues to get worse, and it got harder for her to walk. About a month into this she fell, but caught herself on the counter. She banged her arm pretty good, but other than that she didn't further injure it. About 3 weeks (already two months in on this) she started losing function of her left arm. When she told her neurologist he told her it was simply because she hit her arm. After a week of it continually getting worse she finally lost all function of it on the 16th of April so we took her to the hospital where they immediately did a brain scan and found a rather large brain tumor. Over two months of dealing with this and an ER doctor found the tumor instead of the NEUROLOGIST. She was rushed to a facility where they could have a neurosurgeon take over. She went into surgery Tuesday afternoon and never woke up. It was extremely aggressive and had already progressed unbelievably over the course of the two months. It gets worse from there. The neurosurgeon told us that the odds of her waking up were slim, the pressure was building. We knew what that means, and were coming to terms with the decision we had to make. Then this neurologist comes in and tells us an entirely different story, giving us false hope that our mother would make it. That same night we sat down with the neurosurgeon and had "the talk" where he even said he doesnt know what they guy was thinking. We took our mother off of the ventilator, and she passed away on Friday April 22nd. His negligence allowed this tumor to grow to 7 CM in just over 2 months, and took our mother away from us in just the course of a week. Do i have the potential makings of a case to pursue him?


Medical Malpractice: Neurologist Negligence Misdiagnosing Brain Cancer for a Sciatic Nerve

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