mercredi 27 avril 2016

Suspension and Revocation: Help

My question involves a driver's license issued by the State of: New Hampshire
Recently I was ticketed for doing 80 in a 65 zone despite the last speed limit sign being 70mph. I was in the left lane making a pass because the speed of traffic at the time was 75-80 and according to Solomon's curve I was being a perfectly safe and reasonable driver in doing so. The blue lights came on and I just had that hole in my stomach so I pulled left into the breakdown lane and I was also ticketed for a yellow line violation. I didn't argue anything with the officer and I paid my tickets the next day but this morning I get a letter saying my license is suspendedicated simply because I'm under the age of 18. I have a court date and I was wondering if anyone could possiblyou help me out of my suspension for without my license I won't be able to get to school or work. Also is it legal for people to be punished differently for the same crime?

Suspension and Revocation: Help

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