Im about to be 16 here in a week or two and im thinking about getting emancipated but I am not sure if my reasons are valid enough plus i know i won't have parental consent for the emancipation. The reasons I want to get emancipated mainly have to do with school and home, I live with my sister at the moment but im going to have to move back in with my mom next school year and when i do, I know it will result in a huge fight with my dad. Ive been moving back and forth from place to place between my parents for at most two years now and then i moved with my sister this last summer and school year. My dad is pretty much mentally abusive and believes that he pretty much owns me untill I am out of school, my sister on the other hand has gotten to the point where she belives she is my monther now and it has been causing some pretty bad problems. My and I have been getting along alot better recently but im still sure that living with her would be a good idea. The thing with school is that I am pretty much failing and i am finding extremely hard to catch up and keep my grades up, I try getting help when it comes to subjects I stuggle in such as in math but getting help is extremely hard because I have to rely on my sister or my mom or whoever im with to help with things such as Transportation to my teachers house or getting things online that would help, and because my grades are low my sister won't let me get a job when i turn 16. Ive been wanting to get emancipated for a while now mainly because I just want to settle down and be able to have control over my life and opportunities. I want to get my own bank account and savings account so i can start saving money for college or a vehicle, also another reason i want a job so bad is because I want to be able to have a way of making money to save, plus I want to be able to have money for things that would help with school such as tutoring programs and online help. I know having and getting a job is not easy and i know I will probably hate it but thats just a part of life. I feel like I'd be better on my own because then I could choose where i live and what school I know I will do well in, plus i wouldn't have to worry about moving around so much or having to base everything I do on someone elses terms. If i had a choice i would have had a savings account a long time ago, would be looking for jobs at the moment, would already have my driving permit, and would find things that would help alot with school. People tell me to enjoy being kid for as long has i can but because of what all I've been through, Its gotten to the point were I can't mentally deal with being a kid. Not having a job or savings account or not being able to make my own decisions on things that effect me as a person is extremely stressfull. I kinda feel like an adult who had everything they had taken from them and is now being forced to live as a kid again if thats a good way to explain it. I know that if I do manage to get emancipated that I would be capable of getting a place to stay along with health insurance, car insurance, etc. Will i be able to get emancipated even though i don't have a bank account, job, or parental consent ? I apologize for this being so long but if someone does read all of this i'd like to say thank you for listening and everything.
Emancipation: Can I Get Emancipated in Oklahoma with Out Parenteral Consent
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